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  1. I moved, met him thru work and we became friends. For a couple of months we were just good buddies. He did not have romantic feelings for me at that point. All of that started at a work party = alcohol. We both opened out eyes and thought, hmm.. why not? I develop feelings for him slowly but they didn't last. What makes it hard is, I will be returning to that job in a few months. We will be working close together again. We have the same friends. Communication is inevitable. Stari, I understand what you are saying. I never thought of it that way. He was my best friend because of the way he was acting towards me. He did it out of love, I acted the same loving way towards him out off friendship. Which is why I could easily return to the same. But he couldn't. I'd be more than happy to have the relationship we had before dating though or is that gone forever as well although it had nothing to do with love? I regret dating him now. I should've kept building a stronger friendship based on what we already had and not go down the romantic path. It wasn't worth losing him. I wish we would've communicated more, we were never open about our feelings for each other.
  2. I dated a guy for a few months. He turned into my best friend. His feelings for me grew, mine turned friendly. Beeing away for the summer I thought his feelings would die down as well. Not so, thereforeeee I had to say something. He took it real badly. I knew things would be rocky for awhile but I didn't expect him to cut all communication. He's asked me not to contact him again, said we can't be friends. He hasn't explained much. Now I'm a wreck cause I had no choice and I feel like I've lost my closest friend forever. I don't know what to do... He's so important to me.
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