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Posts posted by Madlike

  1. 16 minutes ago, MikalJoyner said:

    My son speaks highly of this woman it’s just he wasn’t ready but neither one of them were using protection. He told me he stopped using condoms 3 months ago. But he isn’t ready to be a father. I don’t want to get in their business but i want to be in the child’s life especially if my son know it’s his and don’t deny the fact 

    In what way would you be in the child’s life? Are you going to provide financial support?

  2. 24 minutes ago, Jaunty said:

    Yeah I think you're ghosted, and I think he outed himself as an unstable prospect anyway when he texted you at 4 a.m.  That's weird behavior.  You don't need it. 

    On top of that, sounds like he’s looking to rebound off something.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, kctiger said:

    Tell the guy you’re not interested in friendship as you’d like to take it to the next level. If he’s not down for that, you have your answer. 

    It’s not like he went off and got married, so there’s no roadblock here besides the willingness to be forthright in your feelings. 

    I second this. You don’t want to be a friends with benefit 

  4. Just now, Cupcakexox said:

    Seek out sympathy on his side? I was upset and I needed someone to talk to. What's wrong with calling someone after being in an accident? I'm honestly surprised he even answered after I called him a liar and all kinds of things. How does friendship require a commitment? 

    He answered just to be nice and not look like a bad guy. It’s called being “fake”. He could’ve also answered because he was bored.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Cupcakexox said:

    That wasn't the first time he told me he was too busy. He had told me this once before and he still let me come over. I'm not sure why him saying this has to be a lie. Why is it not possible that he just doesn't have the time or energy to date right now? 

    Before we dated he hadn't been on  a date in a long time. But I'm not saying that it means he'll want to date me later. 

    He might not have the energy but he had enough energy to hit it and quit it lol.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Cupcakexox said:

    Didn't like the sex? The way he was having sex with me it didn't seem like that was the case and he asked me if I liked it also he loves my blowjobs. Why not just say he doesn't like me then? 

    Why are you in denial?

    No one is ever too busy to move forward with you or date you. They will see you as a good catch and not want to let you go. 

    Him saying he is too busy with work is an excuse. He doesn’t want to take it further. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Marty123 said:

    I am with a girl in a long distance relationship. I am in sydney and she in melbourne. We have known each other for 9 months now. At the start it was just casual and I went and seen her in her city. We started after talk daily and i have told her i have feelings for her after seeing her more than once and I felt like she have started to have feelings for me too as she told me of course i love you, maybe not to your extend but i do. She is amazing girl, I felt like i started to overwhelm her and a stage she told she is done! But we never stopped talking, however she was never the same but always caring and she was flirty from time to time. I feel like i did upset her twice or three times but it was just over how much i miss her and like out of love. She told me to be like friends now and i told her i cant and kept on loving her. finally, she has told me i dont deserve anything from you and she feels horrible that she can meet me there and accept anything from me or my love. However, right after that she texted me the last message of " No doubt there will be a time that I can and I will accept but the time isnt right now"

    I know she had broken up from her relationship a year ago and was always honest with me. Why isnt she telling me to go away and still tells me that she will be able and she will accept our relationship?

    Check your messages, dude. I messaged you. 

    • Confused 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, Marty123 said:

    I am with a girl in a long distance relationship. I am in sydney and she in melbourne. We have known each other for 9 months now. At the start it was just casual and I went and seen her in her city. We started after talk daily and i have told her i have feelings for her after seeing her more than once and I felt like she have started to have feelings for me too as she told me of course i love you, maybe not to your extend but i do. She is amazing girl, I felt like i started to overwhelm her and a stage she told she is done! But we never stopped talking, however she was never the same but always caring and she was flirty from time to time. I feel like i did upset her twice or three times but it was just over how much i miss her and like out of love. She told me to be like friends now and i told her i cant and kept on loving her. finally, she has told me i dont deserve anything from you and she feels horrible that she can meet me there and accept anything from me or my love. However, right after that she texted me the last message of " No doubt there will be a time that I can and I will accept but the time isnt right now"

    I know she had broken up from her relationship a year ago and was always honest with me. Why isnt she telling me to go away and still tells me that she will be able and she will accept our relationship?

    She wants you in her life and wants you to wait for her but she isn’t ready. 

  9. 10 hours ago, Alittlehelpplz said:

    I’ve known this girl for about 4 months. She is amazing, smart, sweet, beautiful and so caring. She wants to move further in our relationship but I’m dragging my feet. I’m doing that because something feels off to me. I should be happy, like I mentioned she’s great, but I don’t think I feel like I should about her. We are only dating, no bf or gf yet. What should I do? 
    I don’t want to walk away from good thing, but I’m scared to commit because I’m not sure if I should if I’m unsure. 

    If you have been around each other for so long , you must care about her to spend degree. It could be some internal issue you have that’s preventing you from making the commitment.  Decide what scares you more, her leaving or you committing to her.

    • Like 1
  10. 13 hours ago, AndersonPask said:

    I (23M) recently became single and after a few weeks i started talking and seeing this other person (23F). we’ve been talking and hanging out for a month or so, i’ve been to her place and she to mine’s… we talk everyday. we know personal details from our lives. we’ve both stated we feel a STRONG connection to one another but also, that we do not, by any way want to commit to a relationship. me because of my recent breakup and she because i think she lingers more to open-ended relationships. even though i _have_ been seeing other people casually around this time, i can’t seem to completely stomach the idea that she does, too. and it would feel absolutely wrong to tell her of the jealousy i get when i see her going on dates with other people because 1) we’re not in a committed relationship and we’ve stated several times we are not exclusive 2) i’d feel incredibly hypocritical due to me also going on dates with other people 3) i want her to be part of my life still 

    how do i get rid of my jealousy?  

    TL;DR: me (23M) and a girl (23F) have a situationship in which we adore spending time together and talking to each other but won’t develop into a committed relationship due to personal reasons from the both of us. i’m struggling with jealousy from seeing her go out with other people, even though i do the same and now i won’t want a committed relationship anytime soon

    Are you guys having sex with each other ?

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