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Posts posted by Rapture

  1. I am very sickened by the attitude of people concerning age gap relationships. I have read many of these articles concerning age gap relationships and too often there are ignorant people using terms like "cradle-robber". I am a 16 year old girl, and i was recently dating a 25 year old, i had to put up with this so much, it wore me down to the point where we had to break it off. Not that i wanted to, but that the ignorance of everyone around us was breaking me down emotionally, i felt like i was doing something wrong, that i am a silly CHILD being taken advantage of by the person i love and care about. Of course i knew this wasn't true, but i care for him so much i didn't want him to have to put up with society's ignorance about are relationship.

    After recently sitting back and thinking about the whole situaton, i realize that i could never be happy with someone my own age, this is for many reasons. So basically what society is saying is that, someone who is in an age gap relationship, can not have a stable, happy, and noble bond?

    i'd like to hear people's thoughts on this...


  2. I really hate writting these things because they take forever but i really need some help so here goes...


    My sister, for the last month has been seeing this guy. The problem is he is a very big druggy and he's getting her into all these illicit drugs. What's worse is my sister, although going on 19, is very easily influenced and manipulated. She also drinks regurlarly with him with taking the illicit drugs. On top of it all is she is a manic-depressive and has Bipolar disorder. She is on all kinds of heavy medication, she told my mom today about all of the things she has been doing. She talks about how she doesn't care and she could be dead tomorrow, she admits to hoping that the drugs will kill her and thinks about killing herself every day. A week ago we had a pregnency scare with her, she says she has also been doing very degrading things to herself but won't tell anyone specifically what they are. I'm scared for her, it's really upsetting to me to see her destroy herself and know that i can't do anything about it. My mom is trying to get her in to see a psychiatrist and she was suppose to go to a crisis center tonight but she changed her mind because her stupid bf came over. My sister is constantly trying to escape reality and talks about running away, she has also been getting blackouts and has lost ALOT of weight. I REALLY REALLY need some advice it would be so greatly appreciated...this is tearing me apart

  3. I feel really pathetic for writing this, only because i feel my problem is probably very insignificant to anyone who listens but here it goes...



    For the last month i have been talking to this guy i met on the net. We really have alot in common and really seemed to like eachother. Anyways, last night i told him i would call him on the phone after i got off the computer. I called him and we talked for about 3 mins when he suddenly remembered he had to go help someone with thier homework (he's in college). He told me to call him around 10:30 pm, but i fell asleep. I came back on the computer today and tried to talked to him on msn, but he completely ignored me and left. He has never done this before and it's really not like him. I'm extremely upset and i don't know why he's ignoring me. I wrote a poem because i'm so upset, i cut my finger by accident and blood got all over it, it hurt but i was in too much emotional pain to even care..this silence is killing me. Please someone help

  4. First of all, we don't like to acknowledge it but gambling, even in it's smallest of forms, IS a big deal. I do praise you for managing to give it up for the past 6 months though, I imagine it's tough and takes alot of discipline. I'm not trying to act like an expert on the subject but i do have alittle something in common with your gf. I have dated guys before who would gamble on sports quite frequently, it never bothered me until it became such an obsession, that it was more important to them then me. I have also grown up with a father very very very addicted to gambling. He was so addicted to it, it literally cost him his wife, his home, his daughter, and his life. I'm not saying this is going to happen in your case, but i can understand where your gf is coming from, if she is with someone who gambles, eventually, in the future, it could be her life and security that is in the hands of fate and a stupid bet. If i were her, i would probably wait atleast a year before getting back together with you, to be sure that you're over it. So my suggestion is just to give her time to think this over, and if you ever get the urge to gamble again, ask yourself which is more important, her, or that bet?

  5. ok it's about time you get a girl's opinion on the situation, after all, what do guys know? jj boys

    I do think that yes, this girl if definitely interested in you. Yes you should play it cool but don't let her make ALL the moves. If you do that she'll think you don't like her back or you're not interested in her in the same way she is in you. After all, she already HAS displayed affection towards you, there is no obscurity in her interest. I speak from experience from similiar situations, when guys don't respond to my affection, my immediate thought is that they AREN'T INTERESTED. Trust me, girls don't lose interest as quickly as guys.

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