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Posts posted by Firiel

  1. Still plugging away on the Song of Fire and Ice series, eh? I got distracted with school, but I'm hoping to read the last couple books in the series this summer... but I'm worried I'll have forgotten what's going on with all the characters!


    Currently reading The Shining by Stephen King. I'm in a class that will likely read it next semester, and I've wanted to read it anyway, so I'm getting a head start.

  2. As heartbreaking as your story of Liam is, I just want you to know how touching it is that you loved him so much even though you were never given the opportunity to meet him in this life.


    You are a wonderful mother!

    • Like 1
  3. A Game of Thrones. I put it down after a particular scene that made me really mad, but my hubby encouraged me to pick it up again (he's on book 4). Now I can't seem to put it down!


    I just finished it! I'm going to read book two after I finish my current book. What scene made you really mad?

  4. Good choice. Fair warning though the first book (although it's very very very very good) is the slowest paced of the series, so if at any point you feel like you don't enjoy it I recommend you push on, because the series get's exponentially better as it builds on itself.


    This is actually going to be my second try at this book... when I tried it before that's exactly what happened. I didn't purposefully give up. I just got distracted by life and the book wasn't quite enough to keep me hooked. I'm prepared this time, though, because I've heard awesome things about the series. It will help that I'm not currently in school. Nothing kills the desire for pleasure reading than piles of assigned reading.

  5. Hello again Firiel! (if you still follow this thread and it seems like you still do)


    I've just re-read Huck Finn, from cover to cover this time, and I must say it was much more enjoyable the second time round lol. Good book indeed.


    Yay! Some books just take a couple of tries.

  6. Stephen King's The Stand. I'm reading the unabridged version, though I wonder if I'd like the shorter version better. The main thing that bothers me about current King that his older works don't struggle with is basically losing the plot amid pages and pages of non-essential story.


    Still good, though. I'm thinking of reading his Dark Tower series eventually.

  7. Yeah I have to read it for my english study at school.


    I just find it really boring, despite all the concepts conveyed in it.


    I'd rather just go on the net and read a summary. Page 90 is as far as I'd go in that book thank you very much.


    link removed


    Maybe if you listened to it, you'd find it easier to digest. That's how I did it, and usually dialect is easier to understand verbally than when reading it from a page.

    • Like 1
  8. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has to be one of the most boring books out there. Not because of the plot, but because of the language.


    Are you kidding? I thought Twain was beyond successful with his use of dialect in that book. I found it to be an excellent book!



    I'm currently reading The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. Love it.

  9. Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

    Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev

    Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

    Middle English Literature by Christopher Cannon

    The Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson


    About to start:

    The Beautiful Mrs. Seideman


    Just finished:

    And Other Stories

    Shantung Compound

    Hero of our Time by Mikhail Lermentov


    English majors... sheesh.

  10. Words/Sayings are not always bad. Depends really. One of my classmates (an older student) has a saying on his arm "Not Everyone Who Wanders is Lost" or something similar to that, I like it!


    Was it perhaps "Not all those who wander are lost"? If I ever got a tattoo, it would almost certainly be related to JRR Tolkien somehow.


    But that's beside the point. To me, tattoos are pretty neutral. I don't like excessive tattoos, but someone having a few tattoos doesn't bug me at all. In fact, I think a few tattoos on a guy can be really cool, especially if the tattoos have a significance.

  11. I really like it...


    I think the fact that the speaker knows the birds should be free and are encouraging them to take their freedome but is still the one sending the bird down to the mine and keeping the mynah as a pet. Really interesting.


    Anyway, good job! Quite impressive.

  12. I wrote this poem instead of listening in my American Lit class one day.




    Wind rushing past me.

    I hear nothing but its fury

    as I plummet downwards.


    I feel

    The white sun warming my back

    My hair blowing in the wind

    My stomach doing acrobatics

    No fear, no joy, only knowledge.


    I see

    The white clouds, still obscuring the earth

    Clear blue sky, pure beauty

    A flock of birds

    The heavens


    I pass through the mist,

    The world opens up before me.

    Lakes, fields, cities

    Becoming larger, clearer.

    I see all.


    The ground approaches quickly.


    For one last thought.





    Any thoughts on it would be great. Like, how well (or poorly) does it flow? And does it even make any sense? What emotions does it evoke upon first reading it? Just that kind of thing.

  13. bitbit, I wish talking to girls like you were that easy. I'll bet it is that easy if the guy is dressed in $500 worth of designer labels and looks like Collin Farell, but I very rarely have ever seen the "Hello" work for your average guy.


    "Hello" works better than anything else for me, at least. I'd be far more likely to talk to and get to know a guy who seemed nice and had enough initiative to start a pleasant conversation than a guy who tried overly hard to be clever/suave/whatever.

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