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Posts posted by lonelylulu

  1. ok..mayb this is pretty dumb...but please help

    about a month ago i went out with this guy. kinda a date. he was really interested in the beginning..and even made plans for summer and everything..i really liked him..but he lost interested after and stopped calling me..then he told me just kinda past..." so i stopped talking to him....... May 30th is his birthday, which is next monday....should i still say happy birthday to him? just a quick msg. nothing else. or should we just continue to be strangers?

  2. Maybe you are dating the wrong guys. You say that guys lose interest in you because you think you may come accross as boring as you're a shy person. To me a shy girl is very attractive, and I'd definitely hang around long enough to find out what type of person she is if she let me.


    There are plenty of guys like this around, it's just a matter of finding one. As for the guys you currently date, are they all the same basic "type" of guy, or are they all different.


    The fact your guy friends say you're the best girl in the world says a lot about you as a person, and I think you just need to find a different type of guy to the normal ones you find, one who will stick around to see what your mates already know.

    i dont even date that much...and its always only one date..then they're gone. so i don't really know what type of guys they are....but i think most of them are just players that lose interest really fast.........im really not sure

  3. it's been bothering me for weeks... i dated him a month ago...it didn't go anywhere..he lost interest...but he is such a perfect guy...i'm soo scared that i might never ever meet a guy so perfect....he's very tall, good-looking, very rich,also very smart in school.. he sings, he dances, he's on every sports team in school. he travels around the world,been to different places. he has great style, he shops at Europe and Japan in summer. he's very nice.and he's not gay. when he first came into my life..i was like God is just being too nice to me... i acted all weird/shy/ around him. and he lost interest..i wouldn't be surprised..becuz i was soo nervous on the first date and he got boring i guess..i dunno....now i hate myself..i wasted such a great opportunity.he was everything that i dreamed of. now, he's gone. i hate myself...i really regret it....[/b]

  4. lonelylulu,

    I agree with smallworld, a guy who says 'you are the best girl i know', may be interested in you. I believe a guy may settle for friendship only if they dont see any hope of a relationship with the girl (they will still have that hope of something more).

    haha no..they're all in a relationship. every one of my guy friend

  5. i've been single for my whole life..well,fine, i'm 18. highschool girl. everytime when i tell people that i'm single, they just won't believe me..they'll be like: HELL NO! no way!. i don't know why.some people say i'm hot...but i don't really think so.. i would describe myself as very shy and quiet most of the times.but very loud when i'm with my friends. i have the feeling that people often misjudge me. this is how i feel now...inside, i'm a very talkative person. i have a great sense of humour. i'm very thoughtful and caring. but outside, i think i'm just quiet/boring and cold. my best friends always say guy will fall in love with u if he spends 10 days with u. but the problem is, no one would bother to do that.....i just don't get it, my best guy friends always tell me that i'm the best girl they know. but i never had a bf...i tried to date..i really liked some of the guys i dated..but they all lose interest in me after a period of time. i'm too nervous when i date, and they just didnt see my true side..i have some problems showing how great i am...omg..i really need help.....i feel like God's been giving me great chances and i'm just wasting them....i hate being shy with strangers

  6. omg i think we're in the same situation. im not talkative either. and the guy i like wants me to talk more too. but i dunno wat to say. now i finally know why. becuz u see her more than a friend. u like her, so ur trying to impress her. but ur just too nervous. it'll be so much better if u guys just started as friends. then there won't be any "should i say that or not" questions in ur mind.

  7. don't worry. my situation is worse than urs. my bf dumped me. ignored me. i'm failing in school. i live by myself. all alone. but i just gotta stand up and be strong. don't worry. nothing lasts forever, which means bad days won't last forever!

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