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Posts posted by MovieGuy2828

  1. I was drunk at the time and I engaged in intercourse after she performed the insertion without a condom for roughly 5 minutes before i stopped after not being able to maintain my erection due to being drunk.


    That was over 6 months ago, and it was the only time i've ever really "had sex".


    I have a gf now who is the love of my life, and we are THIS close to having sex, i havent had any symptoms of an STD nor have i felt any different. So is there still a possibility that i have an STD and if so can it be spread? Like i said i feel fine, but i dont want to spread anything to my gf. Thanks.

  2. We agreed our date was the perfect date, and the kisses pretty much killed all my nervousness, but then once i started having dirty thoughts about her i got nervous again, especially because i'm hanging out at her place for a while on saturday night when her parents arent home, and now i feel i'm gonna be nervous on if/when "lovemaking" shall occur, just like i was nervous about when our first kiss would occur. I have been so patient during the past 6 months and it has really paid off, and i shall continue to be, but when we hugged for 10 minutes we both said "it feels like i cant pull you close enough to me"...hence the thought of getting "even closer"....now she's in my thoughts everytime I masturbate now...

  3. Ok well we have met in person, the first time was for just 15 minutes cause she surprised me at work, the second time was our first date which was 10 hours long..got to hold her hand, put my arm around her, kiss her hand, cheek, hugged for 10 minutes straight, and got to kiss her 3 times before i left. So yeah after all that closeness after none its kinda easy to see why i would be having thoughts like that about her now. I'm 21, shes 18, we are both attractive individuals and both virgins, lol.

  4. I've been talking with a girl who is a distance of 55 miles away on myspace now for 6 months, her personality matches mine exactly. We recently started dating and are now bf/gf and we're both very very happy. But now that i've been being close to her more i've started having dirty thoughts...and i wasnt before we met. I care for her so much omg. Everytime now i have a dirty thought, it is about her. Is it normal, should i tell her (no of course haha), i just need to know what to do how to react. Thanks

  5. My name is Greg. I have never been on a date, had a girlfriend, or even kissed a girl. The meaning of my life is to make other people happy. I think I'm the only guy I know who at near the age of 21 dreams of their first kiss and what it would be like, how it would proceed, and other ravenous details only a sheltered heartbroken man would think of at the time. I have been denied by either myself for being shy and not thinking of the right things to say at the right time, or being denied by the ones I have tried to be close to. This has happened time after time after time, so much to the extent that I have lost count of all my opportunities that have been lost. I think that this is so because they don't know me. If they knew I had a heart this huge and warm and infinite and would treat them like jewel encrusted gold, but also that I know not to act like that all the time, then all my problems would be solved and the girls would flock to me, but they are not, because they don't know me, because I'm too shy and scared of rejection. There is also always things that appear to "magically" come up to interfere with me finding someone.


    I have so much love in my heart and no one to give to, I've always wanted to give it to someone, and I don't know if I ever will. The love in my heart is eternal, however the warmth in it just keeps building and building with each passing day, if you haven't seen it yet, someday you will.


    I cant believe how many years and opportunities have gone by and I still have no girlfriend, it boggles my mind and pierces my soul like a thousand knives of fire. This pain is just too great for any mortal man to deal with. I often find myself asking, why me?


    I really can't take this anymore, the lack of a special someone in my life is starting to eat away at my soul and damage my physical health. I have been feeling weaker, less motivated, and increasingly depressed with each day that goes by without a love In my life.


    Years and years have gone by with me day after day after day contemplating the possibilities that today, one day, someday I might be lucky enough to get a girlfriend. Every single day the same thoughts run through my head, with no luck or love in store at the end.


    I've wanted love so bad ever since I got my first crush that lasted 4 years. Oh god it makes me cringe with angst to think of all the opportunities I have had and lost due to my own inability to make the most out of the situation at the time, only to learn from it afterwards and never get another opportunity like it ever again.


    I often find myself doing things to take my mind off of this horrible depression, #1 on the list has been buying DVDs, and since that privilege has now been massively reduced I find myself thinking about this a lot more.


    I feel really insecure about myself and appearance, I mean how could I not? I have never had a girlfriend so I have no basis for which I know girls like to relate to my actions or appearance, thereforeeee my "look" is always changing and I'm sick of not knowing how to look in order to be attractive, because I know I am if I really try to be.


    Oh the feelings I desire to the extent is burns In my soul. To hold her hand, to hold her close, make her feel as if she is the most important girl in the world, and to love her with all my heart and be loved in return. My spirit is an undying warmth that I hope to radiate to someone, someday.


    This whole lack of love rant would be a LOT longer if there were tons of others ways to word my sadness and depression from the lack of someone special in my life. I'm holding myself back against my will in finding true love, it is something I must get over, because it is killing me inside. I want to love someone and feel loved in return. I truly feel that it would be a heavenly experience.


    My heart is infinitely huge, and I want to give it to someone.


    I speak as if I want true love before having a few girlfriends, and truth is I do. In my solitude listening to music, dreaming of being together with the girl I had a crush on at the time, was the only and closest times I have ever been to having someone special.


    The best and most beautiful things in the world can't be seen, or touched, but are felt in the heart. Many times in my life instances of such beauty have occurred in a wonderful grandiose sense, especially in this existential funk I have been in as of late. I do not know what my place in life is nor do I hold the keys to everlasting happiness, at least not yet. Beauty can be dangerous if indulged at too great an amount in one or many instances and can cloud the mind in both good and bad ways. Because of this I have been conflicted lately, wondering if and or when the beauty radiated from another that have I so greatly desired will ever be radiated upon me. I know for a fact that there is beauty within me, in so many different and brilliant ways, one day the world will see that and know of the everlasting warmth in my heart.


    My name is Greg, and I know in my heart that I have one of the most warm, loving, caring, kind, compassionate, true, and infinitely huge hearts, ever.

  6. well i did kinda ask her out a couple times, "i really wanna do something with you" i just havent specified exactly what tho, i mean i did ask her if she wanted to go to my house, but she was busy today, so idk. Did i mention we are both star wars lovers and have had numerous invisible lightsaber fights (she leads me 3-1-1) with one resulting in us wrestling a little on the floor, lol. Gosh i want to be with this girl so bad.

  7. Ok, for starters i am a 20 year old male who has never been on a date, had a girlfriend or even kissed a girl. I've wanted to do all of the above so much for so long it aches my very soul to know i have nobody and have never had nobody. I am an extremely romantic person who also knows that i shouldnt be that way all the time..just to keep things interesting. I have been told on many occasions that i'm too much of a nice, loving, sweet , understanding, good looking guy to be alone, but unfortunatley i am alone and am so gravely sick of it.


    I need help......


    I have been getting close to this girl in my technical theater course at college and people have been asking me if we are going out, "i wish" i replied. The story behind that though is..a few days ago during a lecture, while still paying attention lol, we were engaging in various forms of cuddling....holding her, arm around her, putting my head on top of her head, her feeling my belly button, her showing me a bruise on her knee and me kissing my hand and touching the spot, holding hands and other things. We have a ton in common and i get her to laugh...a lot lol. We get along really really good.


    But shes been really busy lately and i'm desperatley trying to determine if she likes me or not...because well i really like her. I've been trying to find time to do things together, but shes graduating and stuff and has been busy so i'm hoping we can do more stuff after.


    I really like this girl and am dying to be close to her.


    Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated.

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