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Posts posted by erics_gal

  1. You know I thought about it all night last night and here's what I came up with. I've been with eric 2 years, and I am 21 years old. I think it's time i got seriuos, and not even mess with this other guy. I couldn't stand the thought of me hurting Eric like that, and I don't want to hurt myself. Just because this other guy is exciting and new, I can't just give up a strong relationship for some fun. Whatever i have dreamed up I'm sure I can go to Eric and talk about it. If he loves me, then he should respect that I am coming to him for help. thank you all. I was about to make a huge mistake.

  2. I am dating somebody, and there is this other guy that I have develpoed feelings for, and now i don't know what to do?!? the other guy is a real nice sweet and well just a good guy. I have been dating my guy for almost two years, and we are even talking about getting married. this other guy is fun and exciting, and he really likes me too. what should i do? help

  3. My boyfriend and I have been having sex for a year now. Now he wants me to wear these really reveling sexy lingerie, I would love to wear them, but I'm afraid that once he sees me in them, he want like it. I'm am very shy about my body, I'm not the skinnest or the fattest person in the world, should I try it or let him down. I don't want to let him down, I want to fullfill all that he wants. I'm just that type of person. What should I do. If he likes my body should i show it off for him?

  4. My boyfriend of 1yr, and 3months is still talking about one of the girls he used to like. She is married now, but I think he still likes her. He tells me he loves me, and that we will soon be married. should I ask him if he still likes her, or what? Help!

  5. my guy always talks about cars. I know he likes them alot and I understand that men sometimes do things that us women don't understand. my question is how can I keep up with him. I know a little about cars, so I go along, and then he looses me.What can I do about this, should I read more into cars or what?

  6. I was at my bf's house and found some pictures taken by him of girls "rearview."if you know what i mean. anyway it bothered me, and so I told him, he told me that he couldn't believe that that would bother me. So now I am upset and I don't know what to say to him. He said they was from 2 years ago,and he hasn't even look at them since we have been dating. I trust him, but I'm still upset by the way he reacted. I love him and this won't change a thing between us. What can i say to him? What should I do. Am I worrying about something I shouldn't, or is it right to feel this way?

  7. I don't have a problem I just wanted to let everyone know that me and eg's 1 YEaR aNniVerSaRy is Coming up!! I'm just so happy and I wanted to let the world know!!! This is the longest relationship I have ever maintained, and I am PROUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  8. I just wanted to thank you for what you wrote. It is true I do trust him, and I know that he wouldn't do anything like that. I told him today that I would never bring the "subject" up again. I mean what if I kept on saying stuff, and he got upset with me. that would just make things worse. So I told myself, I know he doesn't like her, it's in his past, why should I worry. I just wanted to thank you for helping me realize how much I appericate and trust him. THANK YOU

  9. you know the old saying, if you love something let it go, if it comes back then you know it's real love. me and my guy have been dating for 10 months, and he is still a little "shy" when it comes to certian things. But when something like that comes up, I take my time a be patient with him. then he will eventually lighten up. Patients is the best. talk it over with him, and if he shrugs it off, them tell him that you want to really have a seriuos talk about that with him. maybe he is afraid to say he loves you, maybe he has been hurt in the past, just try and be patient, I promise he will lighten up, and let you know how he fills.

  10. my guy works at a factory, and recently his "ex" switched from 1st shift to 2nd shift, which he works on. I'm not afraid that he will do anything, but what if shes tries something, what can I do. She knows that I dislike her,and she knows that me and him are dating. I'm just worried she will try something, and I'll find out and then all hell will break loose. what should I do?

  11. Is there any suggestion on where and what to do for a really great date? Me and EB always do the same thing every weekend, we either go to the movies or to the bowling alley. We live in a small town, where the is hardley anything to do. Can anyone think of something different to do without going overboard?

  12. I have been dating my guy for 9 months, we have been talking about getting married for a while now. but here lately everytime I mention it he says, we will eventually get married, but he wants to get a house first, buy one that is. I don't expect to buy a house the first thing, I mean you can't have all that you want to start off with. I really do want to marry him, but I don't want to sound pushy, how can I talk to him about this without sounding like I want things my way. any advice.

  13. Me and my man of 9 months recently went and watched a R rated movie. It showed these two young womens breast, and he just kept on watching it like I wasn't even there. It also showed a man naked, front as well as back, and I could tell he didn't want me to see it. What is the difference in me seeing a man naked, than him looking at womens naked breast? Is there something wrong with me, or is it just natural to feel offended. I love him, but I am afraid that if I tell him how I feel, he might think I'm just jelious. HELP!?!? What do I do

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