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Posts posted by Alla_Aleks

  1. Dear bootowserbow

    I don't think you have big reason to worry about. It' usual that men get lazy after relationship gets steady. He doesn't have to win you anymore and to be the best.


    But I agree with others you don't have to spend all your time thinking where to go out with him or what to cook for him or smth. Live your life! Meet your friends, go in for some kind of sport etc. Do what you want to do. It will work.


    Take it easy!

    Best regards, Alla_Aleks

  2. I definitly agree with Sexygirl. Start from whatever you want. The most important thing is you starting a conversation. I think she is also waiting for it.

    Good luck

    Don't worry it doesn't matter at all what to talk about. Two loving hearts will understand each other.

  3. Dear Balhatain

    I'm happy that you managed that fragile situation with your ex gf. Did she mind breaking up?


    I think you should go with you new girl wherever she needs. It's important and sometimes difficult to keep someone who is very close and important for us.


    I wish happiness to both of you.

  4. Be honest with yourself. Do you really love him? You told us that you said to him about your love just to keep him. Why do you want to keep him so much?

    I understood that you are young girl so you can find someone else who at least will treate you better.

    I think you can call him this time (to get your pictures) but do not do that next time. Give him one more chance and no more!


    Good luck, Alla_Aleks

  5. Dear omega


    Have you thought why she said "I make you feel sad". Maybe YOU let her know that? Maybe YOU made her feel her fault for everything.

    If this you will explaine her that she's fine etc all what you told us here.


    Talk to her!

  6. Hi, Xiibo!


    I've got a question for you. Have you asked your gf about how she feels when you come back home late or hang out without her? Probably she's not happy raither.

    In my opinion you have to talk about it anyway. You won't be together if you have so different points of you.


    Best regards, Alla_Aleks

  7. Dear lost88

    You make him tell you what you want to hear. I guess it's not a problem for him to tell it. But it doesn't mean that he feel it. You deceive youself.

    I'm sure one day you'll find a boy you'll be in truly love with. And it'll be a mutual love.

    The difference is in time: ones find truly love when they are pretty young and others - later.

    Do not expect truly love. It'll come when you don't expect.

    Date with guys you like, enjoy and do not make them or yourself feel artificial love.

    Good luck

  8. FeelingBlue77,

    I don't see any reason you can't tell her about you love. But do not expect that anything will change after you tell her that.

    Did I get you correct that you didn't have any direct conversation with her about the reasons she broke up with you? It could be a reason why you can not forget her. It makes you think every day "what I did wrong" and it makes you... hope "our love will be back".

    From my point of view you have to talk to her and ask her to tell you directly what was the real reasons to leave you.

    Best regards, Alla_Aleks

  9. Dear amar!


    I think it'll be interesting for any girl to talk about clothes, fashion, music, boys etc.

    Maybe you don't listen to a girl you talk to? It's very important to listen to what the people you speak to tell you. I can even say that to listen to them is more important than to find out "right" theme to discuss.

    First of all listening will help you to understand what is interesting for that girl.

    Secondly ask questions. If a girl talk about her boyfriend ask her about how long they've been dating, how he looks like etc. If she talk about a skirt she's recently bought ask where she bought it etc. It shows that you are interested in your conversation.

    Any person likes and is pleased to be listened.

    And you can read a book of Dale Carnegie "How to make friends".

  10. Dear trk,

    from my point of view you won't have anything with the girl you think about. You'll end up breaking up.

    I can understand you: she's very interesting for you 'cause she's something new in your life. In the background of you have annoyed with the married life routine.

    But I'm excited about your decision to stay with your kids. It's worth of respect.

    Best regards and good luck to you.

  11. Dear Karen,

    it is very important to know how you husband acts with this woman. It is possible that he doesn't pay any attention to her. And only you notice her interest in him.

    It's very common situation when women see how a woman flirts with a man whereas the man doesn't see any flirt. It's a reason many families quarrel because of.

    I mean to say you have to know whether you husband is interested in that woman or he doesn't see her to figure out whether to confront him.

  12. Of course you should not tell about your fantasies to your husband. No way he would understand you.

    But can you remember what exactly you imagine when you think about other men? There may be a clue to your sexual life. Probably you need to talk to your husband about other positions or caress you want to try.


    Best regards to you!

  13. I don't really think you have to ask him. It could be annoying.

    Is it so important whether he loves you or not? I said "he loves" because it's obvious that he likes you. Otherwise you won't be still in friendship or something.


    The most important thing is you are together!

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