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Everything posted by IamJacksColon

  1. I am in love with a man named Jonathan, we met via a mutual friend, Greg. we both love the same music, bands, games, religions, philosophy, EVERYTHING. we never disagree, and were both very open about our love. i met him online, but we live 3 hours apart, i went to go visit him once and it was a blast! we had the best time, we are both extremely attracted to each other, both physically and emotionally, but its so hard with the distance! i try, but so far the most we get to see each other is maybe once a month. every time we are together, its just that much harder to be appart. we both know its hard, and if we were older, we would be together forever, but our ties to our families and school keep us separated. what should i do? he tels me that he is worried about the distance, its hard on him as well as me. it hurts so much, but is it worth it? theres alawys an answer..... I just dont want to lose him, ever. -Linnea-
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