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Posts posted by heat

  1. It may be possible that your children are reminding you of the molestation. Like you said the feeling didnt surface until you had your own children. Get therapy to help you deal with the past sexual abuse, the child in you needs to heal. Find a baby sitter. Find a nice budget hotel 0r an 4 star if you can afford it(leave the home and its reminders of children)When you get to the hotel go for a swim, allow hubby to give you a bath or wash your hair, while sipping wine. Then let him apply lotion to your body and work your way SLOWLY up to sex. Discuss the events of the molestation with your husband so that he wont do things that will trigger bad memories until you have them resolved.

  2. This is the same way women feel when men want head, but say they dont give oral. Makes you feel kinda like a a prostitute. Find some one who is sexually compatable with you. Let all the non oral people stick with their own kind. You girlfriend may have issues about sex, find out. Maybe she was molested as a child. If thats the case, help her work thru it. If not, shes selfish and useless and you need to move on.

  3. The relationship has only been six months. He may have found qualities in you that are not compatable with his and he is less interested at this point. In the early part of the relationship you were a priority, you were new, so was the sex. This is just what happens when people are not ment to be. Move on. If your anniversary was important he would have had major plans...not a phone call. Dont believe the hype!

  4. I believe that your girlfriend wants to be friends, and does value your friendship. I dont believe that she has that passion that you may want her to have. She may have to even date others before she finds out what a terrific guy you were. I would not go on a five day trip with her, let her miss you. Stop being available as a boyfriend would be. If you continue to make yourself always available, she wont get the chance to miss you.

  5. I honestly believe that there is a reason for everything. If some one falls in love with another person I feel that is more unforgiveable then a simple role in the hay. Sometimes when you take someone for granted then yes it can be a wakeup call. Maybe its better to habve a spouse who still loves you and has realized they made a mistake and rebuild the relationship then for your spouse to fall in love right under you nose and you had no idea. If it were me and I wanted to remain with my husband then the person did not mean anything. It was sex. Just like with men

  6. When a man does not have a job, he is not in control. He needs to make you feel inferior so that he can convince himself that "you need him". If you are the one working, then you are in control and he is aware of this.

    Even if you are not working, he should still be providing for you and he knows this also.He feels useless and you need him. He can't let you wake up to the fact that he has nothing to offer...thats the reason for calling you names which insult your intelligence or competence. The women whom are calling are losers. Think about it, if he has no money, he cant have girlfriends, just loser women friends. What hard working woman hangs out with a unemployed/broke man. Drop the loser.Verbal abuse often leads to physical abuse, you should leave.

  7. You stated that she loved you more. This statement tells me that you have not given all that you can give and you are aware of this. If you feel that you will develop a deeper relationship with her, then practice some self control and allow yourself to mature. If you just dont have anything else to give, then find some way to express to her that you want to be friends, and not interested in a serious relationship with anyone at this time. If she leaves and you feel misrable, you may find you love her more then you thought. You may have to lose her before you can answer this for yourself honestly.

  8. You can become a virgin agian. You are only 15 or 16 years old. If you make a commitment not to have sex agian then you can reclaim your virginity. Try this... Tell yourself If you can go without sex for ( you pick a time frame) then you are now considered a virgin. No one will know, your first husband wont know, your friends (new) wont know and you can start agian. Only a doctor would know for sure.

  9. He should have not told you this information. I wonder why he did. If he has all these secretive ways of contacting him, this is a sure sign of cheating on more then one occasion or at least being ready for the opportunity. I would head straight to the divorce court. Before you do anything, go get one of your wildest single friends and paint the town, flirt and enjoy.

  10. You have been waiting for three years....HELLO...He will not leave his wife or he would have made that decision already. If he spends more time with you then his wife and kids, then that gives you the idea of what kind of husband he would make for you or any other unfortunate soul. What do you think of a man who chases booty when he has responsibilities. He cant afford a divorce but he spent at least 400 dollars or so taking you out dining, trips,climbing mountians and things he should have experienced with his two children. He could have also taken that money and paid for a divorce. You are wasting your time and being made a fool of. Start dating different men and leave that loser alone. If her parents does not like his wife because she is mexican, then that makes them racist. A family of racist and cheaters....good luck and welcome to the family!

  11. I am 38 and my husband is 50. I have also been married for 20 years. Your husband may mean what he saids. If he keeps telling you he does not love you, then the chances are ithat he does not. He may love you but not in a way that he used to. There is also a possibility that he is bored stiff. When I am feeling like I could just pack my things and not look back, I plan a nice night alone with hubby in a nice hotel. We usually come back laughing and discussing the things we did,even laughing at each other and the sexy tricks we tried. We make palns for our retirement and being children free, this also makes us feel alive.If this does not work for your husband, try therapy, if that does not work then it may be time to call it quits. Also my husband often tells me he loves me and that reminds me why I love him. Tell your husband you love him, and take him out and do something you have both never done to each other. You doing everything he saids will make him lose respect for you, dont take that approach. Desparation is not pretty or respectable...Live your life...with or without him....thats admirable and sexy!

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