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Everything posted by momo1985

  1. I can't believe some of the things people say! I am 20 years old, and my parents have complete control over my life as well. They almost talked me out of going to college, but luckily, I saved up enough money to send myself to school. The only reason my parents let me get a job is because my high school required a career course which made me get a job. When you love your parents as much as I do, you don't want to do anything to upset them. I know that my parents get angry when I argue about their 10:00 curfew, and about them tracking the damn mileage on my car, which I pay for myself! Regardless of how old she is, I know that feeling of not wanting to rebel against the people you have known your whole life. My parents were the only people I had up until I started dating my boyfriend, who is 13 years older than me, and I've kept a secret from my parents for 2 years. He hates my parents and told me every bullheaded thing most of you told this poor girl. Most of you didn't give advice, just the same old, do what you want, adage that people who have never experienced this situation always say. I think that you and I have a lot in common, and could probably be of great help to each other. If you want to send me a message, perhaps we can come up with some ways to get out of this situation. It's hard, I know it....but it's really up to us to do it.
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