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Posts posted by igotapregnantwifeand4dogs

  1. hmmm... never say I love you first.


    if you do and he doesnt feel that way then he may say it out of guilt, you may be on cloud 9 for awhile, but you want the truth...


    wait till he says it...better yet.... sit him down and just ask


    hey, I am curious, how do you feel about me? then shuddup. if he doesnt say it then it's ok -give him time, if he does then blurt it out and enjoy your new life together.

  2. ive learned that once a woman make up her mind that it's over..it is..for good.


    all the couseling and such just drags it on.


    breakups are like bone fractures... do them quickly and they heal quick...do them slow and suffer.

  3. wow. she sounds like one of my x's.

    I'm also from Lauderdale. (i moved to central fl)Also an old time photographer. Getting decent work in your field is difficult, and you should be very proud of it. If you don't brag about your work, then others may never see it! It seems that is one of her many excuses. Obviously she's got some issues, and I'm surprised that you haven't left her, before she left you. This may seem like a weird statement, but..congrats!

    Congrats cause she's a liar and cheat. I don't take delight in the failure of your marriage, I delight knowing that she was screwed up and left you, and that you can and will do better. (much)


    I wouldn't take her back, you deserve a mature woman with morals and a future.


    As far as counseling or support goes... check out Calvary Chapel on Cypress creek rd (almost to 31st)..see if you can make an appointment with Pastor Bob.


    man this ticks me off, she sounds like one of my x's. The best thing that ever happened to me is that she left me. I too was blind and forgiving,a nd looking back on it am thankfull she left before any children came into the picture.


    Stay single as long as possible and enjoy yourself dating again after the divorce. Take your time and a good woman will find you. She will be heaven sent!


    good luck with your career, if I come back to Lauderdale maybe we can brag to each other about our work. You have at least two gifts from GOD. Your child and your eye.


    many blessings, Jamie

  4. if you want to win her, win her mom over.

    if her mom knows you are sincere, then she will know it too.


    everynight you work, put at least 1/2 in an envelope, seal it,date it, then every month mail them all back to yourself. dont open it.


    this way if things go worse, then you can bring those envelopes to court with you and the judge will see that you set aside money for your child,


    if things get better, then your wife and her mom will see you are serious about caring for the baby.


    now that your legally covered, make every attempt to stay focused on your wife and the baby. Tell her that there is nothing better than knowing that your child is growing in her.


    now, the not-so-sweet ...man to man talk


    i think your selling her short by saying that she only wants money ect...

    she wants security for the child, and she will get it with or without you.


    you even had to work in a restaurant? boo hoo. poor you. I'm not trying to be mean, but I'll work ANYWHERE, ANYTIME and take two or three jobs to take care of my soon to be first-child. no partying, no friends and going out, no tv..NOTHING but work and being responsible until you realize that the CHILD is first. there is no way out, divorce and running away isnt the answer bud.


    put your child first. work your butt off. don't stop working hard and being supportive if she comes back to you..remember, your not having a child on your due date..YOU ALREADY HAVE ONE!


    One thing that kinda ticked me off is that you sent her back home. If you can afford a roomate, then you can afford an efficiency apt and take care of her yourself. Also, don't blame her for you losing your job...you lost your job..

    get another one! and another!





    my wife is almost there, one more month to go. i cant tell you how good it feels when you feel your baby kick for the first time. it's amazing. also seeing your kid in the sonogram or hearing the heartbeat will make you weak in the knees.

    sharing these experiences together and how you smile when you are with her experiencing these for the first time (with your hand on her belly) will make her uncomfortable journey reassuring and bring you two closer.


    anyone can plant a seed, and run when things get tough...but a real man will stick around. my dad wasnt a real man, he took off and ran scared. now, as an adult, i still dont speak with him ...ever. I wont do that to my baby..or my baby's mom. if our relationship doesnt work out in the future..so be it.. at least i know that i exhausted myself trying, and never stopped fighting for my baby.


    say a prayer or two or three-hundred. GOD listens, and knows your heart. Have you spoken to your pastor about this? I think you should.


    If I were you I'd lose the roommate, get your own place (even if it's a one room hotel)and go rescue her from her mom's. Her mom will make sure she has food, health and clothes she won't dis-own her for being with you...you make sure you have a wife and your baby has a father.


    it's your wife, it's your baby, it's your future. if you give it your all you won't have regrets, if you give up now..you will have regrets forever.


    I'll pray for you three tonight... I wish you success.


    if you need any more man to man talks, email me.

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