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Everything posted by lost_help

  1. I will try to make this brief. I have been with a man for almost a total of 4yrs. We met online and moved in together , I realized early on that something wasn't right between us. I put it down to being uncompatable. I did however find out about his ongoing internet chatting which was inappropriate. I have tried to accept this as he says it is only fantasy. Here is the problem , due to his secrectiveness and what he does on computer . I have checked up on him through his computer, only to find disturbing porn, depictions of girl being raped, transexuals, incest that kind of thing. Our relationship is very strained due to some other things but I also think that he uses those things as his smoke screen. If I question him about his activeties he becomes very aggresive and angry with me. I do not know what I should do , we both have children that live in the house and I am concerned that I am living with someone who is not who they portray themself to be. Any advice or others in same situation
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