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Posts posted by ticklish223

  1. alright.. from what you've said so far... it kind of is you that is causing the problem. you should trust him enough to where he can be friends w/ his ex girlfriends. there is definitely a future with you two if you let go of the fact that he still has the right ot be friends w/ other girls, even if it is someone he used to date.. its obvious taht they dont date anymore, he is in love with YOU.

  2. i definitely see that you have a problem. I don't think that it is anything that he is doing though. I"m not quite sure about that evening and that morning and how perfect it was, I wasn't there. But I do know that you couldn't have fallen in love, only lust, with him.

    It seems to me that right now the relationship, if there even is a reationship, is based on pure obsession. I think that you need to find someone more your age, you are only 17. THis man who is 25 is older and should be with people more his age, as should you. I think that you would be able to get along w/ life and men better that way.

    With the man that you are currently liking, maybe try to just be friends with him to the point that you can bear to have to wait a week to see.

  3. I'm definitely thinking that you should just forget about him. He keeps calling to talk about his laptop or wahtever, if he really did care about you then he would have said something already. I think the guy has some issues that he needs to deal with before he is ready for a serious relationship with you or with anyone else. He needs to get a job and start a life.

    You say that you had a hard time trusting him, but I don't see why you are so heartbroken over this man if you didn't even trust him. Love is built upon trust, and if you didn't actually trust him there was no love. Pure lust. Maybe not even taht since you said that he wasnt even good in bed.

    I think you just need to get out and meet new people, start a new life in Charlotte and find a new man who will love and care for you, and who you will be able to trust. Possibly not get right into a relationship, try finding guys who you can be friends with before jumping into a serious relationship.

  4. ur right! you are doing the right thing! don't worry, for awhile when you get drunk or under the influence or whatever you will think about her, but that just means that you still love her. most people when they become drunk become emotional, and that is exactly what you are doing. you are just being a normal human being.

    you shouldn't let her get to you, and i'm glad to see that you have changed your ways and no longer are. if she is happy at school like you say, she must be putting on an act because every girl wishes for a guy like you say that you were to her. she must be punishing herself if she doesn't want to be with you.

    just keep doing what you're doing and sooner or later she will realize what a great guy she is missing on! and when you find the girl of your dreams and you become her prince charming, this girl will see what she did and could have always had!

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