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Posts posted by score123

  1. Hello,


    Can you please recommend any good source to learn about relationships, it may be book, podcast, youtube channel, etc.

    I have been researching for a long time in internet but I am looking for something deeper than those cliché books like: 5 love languages, Teo of relationships, The art of winning people, etc...


    Thank you very much.

  2. Hey!

    I hope you are doing alright!

    I was just wondering, lately I feel like I know more myself, as I am working on this, and the big question is: is it possible for your personality to change at an adult age? Around your late twenties?

    The thing is I am very intelligent, achieved big things in my life actually, having an independent life of my own, which I enjoy, a lot of activities right now, but I think somehow, when I look back I may have had better relationships with people. I think I lack some emotional intelligence here, as I have low self esteem, and everything would be easier if I get to be more egoistic, more self centered and confident. So, I have realized I could do even greater things, I have a lot of potential, but somehow I also have a lot of fear. I think my personality type according to enneagram is Pacific Lamb, I would like to know if is it possible to work on it, for improving somehow the negative things this type of personality has, and make my life easier, and enjoy it more. Sometimes I feel like I am living always surrounded by fear, low self-esteem, not enjoying life at its 100percent... So, physical activities here haven't helped a lot, as I participate in a lot of them, and I have a very good job. I was thinking about reading books that could help on this and listen to educational videos, what do you think, is it possible to make changes to your personality?



  3. thanks for the advice. I am in great shape actually. The guy is a great person and a great lover. we are dating for plenty of months now. I just think that I am confusing because I really like him, but not in a sexual way, maybe more like  a friend. So that may be something, but my worry is what if my system works just like this, I just have an orgasm really soon and thats it. They say everybody is different, so maybe thats how it is for me. Is that even possible?

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  4. hey! 

    I just feel like I need any advice regarding sex.  I feel very egoistic in bed. I enjoy what we do in bed with this guy, I like the beginning part, foreplay and so on, it gets us both very excited, but I have an orgasm in the first 3 minutes after foreplay and that's it, I need to sleep after it and relax...  I don't need that much stimulation, I don't need penetration actually, and if we start penetration I get bored of it in a couple of minutes and I just go for the orgasm and that's it. So that's the awkward moment where I have been satisfied, but he not yet, and I just need to sleep, I feel like I am not making any effort to satisfy him too afterwards, but I cannot fake, I just feel like I get very tired after it.

    I don't like giving, nor taking bj or handjobs (I just make an effort to give him the second sometimes but it is just mechanical, I really get no satisfaction from it after I have had an orgasm). I enjoy my orgasms though, so I am not asexual. I just don't enjoy getting stimulation after an orgasm and nor continuing the stimulation,,, I just want to relax

    Any idea for how can I improve this? I feel a bit like my sexual life is going to be very limited, cause I get an orgasm in 3 minutes and after it I just want to sleep. ,,,I really feel very limited to this 😞


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