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  1. It seems to me he may be honest in his desire to have some space...after all, you guiys became comitted awfully fast...10 days!! wow. I had a related excperience a few years ago. I had been dating a man for 10 months and decided I needed a break because I fell out of love and needed some time to get my self out of an awful funk over it without him around making me feel even worse about him. I asked him for some time and he asked me how much time. I couldnt really state a time limit, but we decide don 2 weeks on no contact. He kept calling and IMing and asking me if I had had enough time the whole 2 weeks. Finally, I felt I had no choice but to break up with him for good. He had become a clinging desperate monster...feeding the negative image of him I was fighting in order to be able to feel in love again/. ANyway...now, four years later we are very good ftriends, I am still more in love with him than ever. He wont resume the romance though...I think he's never forgiven me for needing the space in the first place, but if you need space and you dont take it, or if your lover needs it and you dont give it...its a recipe for disaster. Good luck
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