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Posts posted by kiwifox42

  1. one of my closest friends is really getting on my nerves. shes using the excuse that ive been paying more attention to my bf than to her, and im pretty sure that's not the case. i try to make it so we always together in a group or something, so they're both there. i think i pay just as much attention to her as i do to him, and i think she is overreacting. i dont want to break this friendship, but i do want to know how to convince her that im still just as concered with her. how can i>

  2. thing is- i do want to stop- it will be terribly inconvinient to hide over the summer- i want to quit w/o involving parents/school/therapists- w/e......which brings me to another topic- do you have any suggestions on how to stop on ur own?

  3. ok, ive been cutting since late october and just told my boyfriend yesterday. i was really hesitant about letting someone know- i was afraid i would be sent to guidence or somehting. thing is, he didnt take it as i expected- he acted really ok with it. i want to know is if he was just acting, if he was really disapointed inside, and im worried that he might try to 'seek help' for me. dont turn this around and tell me i should find help myself- the reason im posting is b/c i want to know if there are ways of seeing if a person is sneaking around- im talking about planning an intervention or something- that is the ~last~ thing i need. im having plently of second thoughts on lettign him know.

    this is- was- my biggest secret, and it belonged to me only, now that ive told someone, i feel empty, i know it's weird, but its like i let a bigger part of me go than i had hoped- as if just knowing belonged to only me.

    anyway, is it bad that i feel this way? yeah, there are a million other things im worrying about, but i'll concentrate on the smaller things first.

  4. 1. yes- swallowed hydrogen peroxide from the medicine cabinet over christmas break

    2. what led me to it? living in a crappy basement apt., my drunken father who doesnt hide his marijuana well enough, my grandfather molesting my cousin and completely tearing the family apart, mother and her perscription pills- not noticing, even when i steat her cigarettes, and no money or chance for college.

    3. why i backed out- as much as i hate the people in my life, i hated them more after i imagined their reaction- i knew i wouldnt like the way they would handle it. i didnt really wait long enough for anything to happen- i just made myself throw it up right away.

    4. advice? none- sorry, i havent heard anything uber convincing yet- and have nothign to give.


    i havent tried since then, but i do cut now- im almost ashamed to admit that for a minute, it does calm me down.


    nice survey, btw

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