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Everything posted by normaidalia

  1. because it is the type of reltationship that i am in. my boyfriend is 16 years old. sometimes i feel like i may be holding him back from dating a crapload of girls but he tells me that it's only cause i never settled whilst in high school i was always flouncing around and not everyone is like that. he is happy with me but i still feel like i should let him go. like the country song. i know they say when you love somebody you should set them free but it sure is hard to do it sure is hard... but then again. i am not forcing him or guilting him into staying with me so that has to count for something right? by the way. i am 18
  2. I am an 18 year old girl dating a 16 year old boy. Why does everyone think this is so wrong. Luckily for me I live in Texas where there is a 2 year leniensy law. But what does everyone out there think? Have i mentioned his mom hates me? Not to mention EVERYONE who is anyone at out church has told him to drop me that i am bad news. He is the music leader there and they say that i will ruin his reputation. I am supposedly TOO experienced for him they say but you should see him. He is a total freak. Granted that is because he is 16 but still...
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