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  1. wasn't anything like that, and no fantazies about meeting. concerstons were not intimate in they way you might think.
  2. I can't do that, as I did email and told them both I would like to talk to them if it was okay, and there was no reply, I guess I just need to accept the firndship is over... if it ever really existed
  3. wayfarer


    Is it considered infeility if you carry on a email realtionship with someone that you will probabaly never ever see, because they live on the opposite side of the country. You have shared confidcnes with them and you have developed a carring attitutde. Both of us are married, but the spouse of my email friend considers it infidelity. AGAIN we would never met, we have never exchanged picutres, neither of us have any idea what the other looks like, but we do have a deep friendship that resulted from a customer/sales realtionship. I have now cut contact with this person at thier request but I did not get any say in the matter, They or the spouse emailed me and said do not communitare with us anymore.. I would like to have a chance to say something. Is this infidleity..to have a email friendship?
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