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  1. I have heard - and read on this site - plenty of getting-back-together stories. The movies and literature are filled with them: somebody sez "Please Forgive Me" in skywriting, a guy stands outside of a girl's appartment in the rain pleading, etc. But does it really happen? And is it healthy to hope that it happens? I've been with someone for 15 months. We got very close and comfortable with each other very quickly. She has said things like "you are the greatest thing to ever happen to me...", we have talked about moving in, marriage, etc. Recently, she said "we have to talk". After some nervous exchanges, I blurted out "are you breaking up with me". She said "I think so." Perhaps it was unwise of me to blurt that out, but alas, that cannot be taken back. Basically, there are issues about myself, financial, job dissatisfaction, physical health, etc, that I have been complacent about. She is scared to sign up for the long term with someone who seems scared to make personal improvements that HE HIMSELF has often talked about changing. She asked for time, and I am willing to give it to her, even though it is like dying every minute of everyday. I wrote a long letter, describing how I thought I recognized the issues she had, that this was a wake-up call like I've never had, that I loved her and wanted her and it was tearing my heart out that I might lose her because I had been complacent and perhaps took us for granted. I told her I clearly needed to make some changes for me, but that I WANTED to make them for us. I dropped this letter off, with flowers, at her appartment. I know she got it. It's frustrating because she hasn't wanted to talk. I suppose she feels she has been talking to the wall, but I tried to make it clear that I was actually listening now, and that I was so sorry it took this crisis to make me hear. So, should I just shut up and move on? Or are there real-life Hollywood endings? Thanks.
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