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Posts posted by bballdude

  1. Ok dude, you definetely got the idea but LET it HANG OUT THERE that your interested, if shes not a 5 year old friend then there is hope Luke lol. Say something that will show her that you like her but dont make it some cheesy 80s pickup line like Ex: "All i want for christmas is you"

  2. your best bet is to get there number or something. lol I mean just shock her go up and say "I noticed ya looking at me, just wanted to say Hi." I mean that's a good start. I mean I bet women think there invincible when it comes to them checkin out dudes, I mean its not that we dont know its just that we dont have the balls to go up and tell em we were checkin em out too.

  3. I just can't get over this girl..I've known her for a freakin year and she has like no idea who i am, I've tryed like everything, I can't even dance with her at a big dance, I don't want miss out on dancing with her at prom night like I asked her to dance and she said she wouldn't dance with me because she didn't know me..If any girls are reading this what does that mean?! And I have potential as in getting with her I don't want to mess it up with her by asking her out when she already has a bf. If theres like anything I can do, post it in the forum....Oh yeah and answer what do girls like most for a guy to do for them and such..I mean what do you guys like most if you were in a situation with a decent-looking guy and you were a prep (well I guess I'm a semi-prep lol).

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