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Everything posted by ToDieFor4444

  1. Didn't mean to cliffhang...For those who are curious, i did call him that night about twenty mins after posting. Have you ever had one of those moments when you don't know exactly what you said but you know it was something stupid? Well that's what happened. I made a complete fool out of myself!!! I remembered him saying, "What did you say?" And then he snickered. Oh it was just a bad conversation. Anyway I didn't talk to him the rest of the night. On Thursday i called him to survey the damage and of course he was working. He said he'd call me back and he did. He called me twice thursday during the day and once at night. So maybe he was just checking to see if I really lied him!!! I hope so...
  2. I haven't called him. I'm about to though. I might as well throw myself into it. I may get rejected. But hey it happens to all of us at least once, right? It's better than all this suspense.
  3. Great!!! Of course the guy who response says that!!! I don't mean to overanalyze but I'm afraid that I may end up where I'm not wanted. I haven't like anyone this much for awhile. And doesn't help that some of my friends are really into those dating books written by men. They're all, "He's trying to make you into the pursuer so he can be the pursuee." They're making nervous. One of my girlfriends just gave me an earful after I told her the age difference. Now I'm embarrassed to say.
  4. Hi everyone!!! I'm new to the board. I have a question and need some advice. Friday I met a guy that I really like. We hit it off pretty well. He bought me a rose and met up with me at a different location later that night. He asked me to meet him the next night and so I did. Not an offical date or anything but I took it as a good sign. He seemed kinda nervous. WHen I told him I needed to leave I said that he should give me a call sometime. He took my number and gave me his. Then he said "If I don't call you, you call me." What is that suppose to mean? I thought at first that maybe he was hoping for some reassurance that I really am interested by me calling first. Then I thought he may be concerned about our age difference which isn't that important to me. Any advice?
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