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Posts posted by Warhawk

  1. Ive been friends with this girl for almost a year. About six months ago i told her how i felt, and basically she told me she just saw me as a friend. Well ever since then we always hang out together still. We go to movies and a lot of big events together, go to lunch every week, ive even been to church with her twice. Her and her bf recently broke up about 1.5-2 months ago. Is there any way i can get past the barrier of not just being her friend? Or have i blown it already.

  2. Im so confused and i dont know what to do. My best friend is a girl, i dont ever know what i would do without her. Im afraid i may becoming way too attached. The weird thing is, she has a boyfriend and is in a ld relationship with him. We hang out all the time and we openly talk about how we are eachothers best friend. We have talked about what it would be like without eachother, and i can say that id be devistated, as would she, because im pretty much all she really has since her boyfriend went to college. Ive been to church with her, lots of sporting events, (college football/basketball games) and we do pretty much everything together and have a great time. She graduates this year, and im a year behind her. I know im going to be really hurt when she leaves. Id just like some opinions on this being a girl being my best friend etc. thanks

  3. I met this girl a few months ago and she has become my best friend. I have become extremely attached to her. I have feelings for her as more than friends but she has a boyfriend. We hang out all the time, go to movies together, do just about everything a normal "couple" would do. We have a great time together no matter what we do (her bf is in college and im with her when he isnt back). All i do is constantly think about her. I work my day around her so we can do stuff together etc. THis last week she went on a cruise for a week and we had zero contact and it was like the end of the world. THe bad thing is, she is a year ahead of me in highschool (she is currently a sr. im a jr.) Thinking about next year makes me just about want to drop off the face of the earth. The thought of not being able to see her is just unfathomable. She means the most to me out of anyone. I just dont know what to do. I cant just stop being her friend, even though that would be the best thing to do, because im all she has. Heh any advice would be great.

  4. Ok, i started hangin out with this girl about five months ago, and from there, we became best friends. I had no feelings for her in a way more than friends at the beginning, but that changed after about 2 months of getting to know her. Now, i have the strongest feelings ive ever had for another person ever. Only trouble is....she has a boyfriend and he's away at college. I mean dont get me wrong here, she isnt cheating or anything, but we do almost everything together, go to movies in the theater, watch movies in my basement, etc. Ive become so attached to her, that it makes me cry to think about next year in school (she is a senior and im a junior) without her. I seriously think that im in love with her, as id like her all the same whether she was how she is now, or had physical problems. I would seriously take a bullet for this girl. Even though it may be wrong, i cant help myself. We have talked about it openly, she knows that i like her, but i doubt she knows that its this deep. It's so unbelievably painful to think that i won't be able to spend the rest of my life with her, and that after about 9 more months, she will be gone. I would try to shut her out of my life, but thats almost impossible as we sit together in classes and are with eachother all the time. On top of that, it would be way to painful for her AND for me, for her because im pretty much all she has here. I get extremely depressed over this and cry about it often, even though im a guy. I guess im totally lost, hopeless, and pathetic for this happening to a girl that has a boyfriend let alone at all. Anything helpful at all would be greatly appreciated

  5. Im really good friends with this girl. In fact, we are best friends. She knows that i like her, but she has a boyfriend. She has been really stressed out lately, so how does a massage sound as a gift? This wouldnt be going overboard or cross any boundaries would it? Please LMK what you guys think! THANKS

  6. Im completely lost as to what to do with this girl. We met a few months ago and became good friends, in fact, id consider her my best friend, and its the same for her. She calls me her "brother". Anyway, she has a boyfriend, and has had for about a year and a half. When we first started hangin out and talkin and stuff way back, i had zero interest in her. Zip, natta, zero. But now, for like the last two or three months, ive became extremely attracted to her. Now, im at the point where nothing seems fun unless im with her. I think about her 24/7, even though i try not too. We talk about anything and everything, and i mean ANYTHING So last week, all this started to build up really bad. We started talking and i eventually got around to the fact that I had major feelings for her. So i told her this, but also the fact that i knew it would never work because she had a bf. We have talked about it a lot, and she told me it even made her cry that night. I can kinda sense that she isnt happy with her bf. She tells me everything, and they argue all the time. Her mom even said, that she can tell who she has been talking to on the phone, because after she talks to me she is always really happy and in a good mood. She is a senior in hs, and im a jr, and the thought of her leaving for college next year just makes me absolutely sick. I get depressed just thinking about next year in school when she wont be there. Anyway, after we talked about what i told her, we said that we wouldnt let this ruin our friendship, and all that stuff. But i really feel a connection with her that i havnt had with ANY other girl, and i never felt this until after i really got to know her over the summer. Any takes on this would be good. Thanks

  7. Ok here's the situation.

    Ive been hangin out with this girl for a few months. A few months ago she asked me if i wanted to go do somethin, and we hung out that night. She's had a BF for about a year and a half, and after that night a few months ago we got to be really good friends. I was never really interested in her at first because, well, she had a boyfriend! We'll now, im extremely interested in her and would love to get a chance just to be her boyfriend. We hang out all the time (when her bf isnt in town, he's in college a few hours away). Sometimes ill go over to her house, or she will come over here. We talk on the phone all the time, like this last weekend, she went to denver, and she called me every night and we talked atleast an hour every night (2 hours on one night). But the fact is, even though she called me, her bf might have been unable to talk to on the phone (i think). And once in a while, at school, she will be walkin by in the hallway and just give me a little tap on the shoulder or somethin and just keep walkin, and every time that i walk by her, she smiles. She also came to a nebraska football game one weekend too. Im just lost as to what i should do? I really really like her, but the situation is kinda messed up. I mean everyone at school asks our friends if we are going out, and obviously we arn't cause i wouldnt be posting this THere are also a few rumors going around the school about stupid stuff, and we talk about them, and she calls me her "best friend". Any advice would be good. Should i tell her how much i like her? Or am i just the replacement until she can go to college with her bf (he just left for college this year and she is a sr. in hs). Thanks for any help!

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