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Posts posted by naecha

  1. Hey Everyone,

    I know this doesn't all go together and the stanzas all go together in a different way but I just felt so strongly about it and I couldn't find any other words to put in...


    I miss you more than words can say,

    The feelings get stronger every day.

    Although I know, these feelings are true

    I know that I will have to wait for you


    I just want to tell you,

    You put the smile on my face.

    I want to be by your side,

    I don't want to be any other place.


    I just want to tell you,

    I think of you every moment of the day.

    And how much I love you,

    Words could never even say.


    I just want to tell you,

    I love you with all my heart.

    I wish for us to be together,

    Never shall we be apart.


    There's a special closeness, that's plain to see

    Knowing that you'll always be a part of me

    One day all of my dreams will come true

    and one day I will be waking up next to you


    So when I feel lonely, and in need of a hug

    I will think about you and all of your love

    I know that you can not always be there

    but I know where to find you know when and where


    I'll find you in my thoughts and in all of my dreams

    in my wishes and that bond and the computer it seems

    and even if you not always there for me to touch

    you're always by my side and I love you very much


    Baby, no matter what other people say,

    forever in my heart you will stay.

    And no matter what other people try to do,

    I will always love you.



    Thanks, I hope you like it!

    Tanae xoxox

  2. Her mum is like my second mum! I've known her for like 10 years and yeah she's helped me through heaps of stuff in my life and yeah!

    I don't know what the tally is about...she wont tell me..and the older guys are only a couple of years older but now she thinks she's all that and really hot and its pissing me off. She has big boobs and always complains about how much she hates them, yet she'll still flash any guy in sight and yeah. Its so annoying! I just want to lash out and yell at her, but if I snap at her its completely different than if she snaps at me. Its so confusing! Sherre kind of hates Marie at the moment, but is still going away because I'm making her. I don't know, its all way too confusing for me!

  3. Hey Everyone,

    This may sound stupid or whatever to most of you, but I need some advice. Tomorrow night, myself and two of my friends are going on a 3 week holiday to visit my friend's mum (she moved away just over a year ago). The problem is that one of my friends is changing so dramatically ever since she started dating older boys and also since her dad was hospitalised for just over a week. She's starting cutting but has no reason for it. Everyone knows why she's doing it, I mean why would you cut a tally into your ankle and then start wearing skirts!! She does it for attention and everyone knows that!

    Recently I became close to this girl again (we grew up together but when we got to highschool we sort of drifted apart a bit) and apparently I've come between her and my other friend who is coming on our holiday, they were really close before I 'stuffed everything up for them'. Marie (the girl whose mum we're visiting) has been snapping out at both myself and Sherre lately. For example, one day she wasn't at school so I asked her why, she'd been to the doctors. I then asked why she went to the doctors and she snapped at me saying 'because of this F*cking cold I've had for 2 weeks!'

    Sherre and I have been trying to include her in everything but no matter what we do we're apparently 'leaving her out'. If I ask Sherre how her day is going Marie will get angry that I asked Sherre before asking her.

    I think the main reason I'm writing this is because I need help knowing what to do when we're away. Marie makes me and Sherre so angry but we think the holiday will be okay because Marie will be away from her boyfriend and other friends that are sort of coming between the three of us. Does anyone have any ideas how I should act when on holiday?

    Thanks in advance everyone!


  4. Okay well I wrote another poem...I thought I might post it on here as well as the other one...I hope you like it


    Speak to me, my precious…

    Now tell me what you see…

    I see a shadow in the corner

    A shadow of what was me


    I look into her eyes…

    Her pain is all so clear

    I wonder why she shakes like that

    When anyone gets near


    I long to hold her close…

    To wish her fears away

    And stay with her all through the night

    Making sure that she's ok


    But when I reach out to wards…

    The desperate girl I see…

    I find I'm touching glass…

    And that girl is really me


    I look into her eyes…

    I'm shocked by her despair

    I see her sobbing in her room

    Her parents unaware


    Again I reach towards her…

    The cold glass soothes her pain

    I know that I must reach her now

    Before she goes insane


    But no matter how I try...

    She's still on the other side

    Reaching back towards my hands

    Yet longing to run and hide


    And now she looks so broken

    As I smash the cold hard glass

    I know that I must reach her…

    And I know it must be fast


    I see her falling pieces…

    Distorted on the floor

    Contorted in so many ways

    She's broken now I'm sure


    I reach out to the glass…

    But she's gone from my own sight

    I long to find her broken soul

    I long to put it right


    But I don't know how to save her

    From what I have become

    I try so hard to call her back

    When she starts to run


    Tonight I stare… in the glass…

    And now I start to see…

    Both of us come from my heart

    We're a shadow of what was me…


    well yeah...please respond!! not many people like my last poems...maybe you'll like this one

  5. oh sorry!!! it was meant to be "she submerges her head" sorry about that!

    umm thanks.

    i'm not very good at metaphors!!! like i really suck at them!!!

  6. Hey Everyone

    I wrote this one today, it was sort of a ruch job so it's not very good. I hope you like it anyways.


    She walks on the beach

    The wind in her hair

    The sand on her bare, white feet

    She about life

    Her parents and friends

    And how the torment never ends

    She thinks of her crush

    His eyes and his smile

    The way he speaks

    And his fashion style

    When he didn't show

    She knew she must go

    She sits on the beach

    She looks out to sea

    This endless blue

    Sparkling in the sun

    Why doesn't he care

    Why is life not fair

    She walks out to sea

    With an expressionless face

    She walks and she walks

    Till she can walk no more

    She submerges her head

    Then lays on the sea bed


    does any one have any ideas of a name for it?

    Also please can I have some responses on whether it's good or not??



  7. Hey,

    Thanks tanned_production. I didn't think it was that good but one of my friends liked it so I thought I'd just post it anyways.

    And IlOvEyOu, I am a bit depressed and stuff, all my friends are starting to notice that, I did write another poem today but I'll just keep it to myself cause it's pretty bad!!

  8. Hey Everyone,

    I was in a bit of a creative mood the other night so I've written a poem. I hope you all like it. Please give me some responses on it! It doesn't have a name yet, any suggestions??




    She sits on the bench,

    Alone in the cold.

    She waits for his voice,

    So deep, yet so sweet.

    He does not arrive.

    She think she knows why.

    She is too fat,

    And ugly at that.

    He never liked her,

    He never cared.

    She said that he loved her,

    She thought it was so.

    She slowly walks home,

    Her eyes to the floor.

    The rain starts to fall.

    Does he care at all.

    She gets to the doorstep,

    Sighs and walks in.

    Talking to no one,

    She heads to her room.

    She opens that box,

    And sees that its there.

    She picks up the knife,

    Then she takes her life.


    Well yeah that's it,

    My friends all think I'm depressed because of the types of poems I write but oh well, they'll all get over it!

    Well yeah

    Thanks in advance for your responses!

    Love Always

  9. Hey Artist,

    I think that's a totally awesome poem! I loved it. I wish I could write good poems like that!

    Please keep posting your poems!

    My poems never rhyme!!

    Naecha xoxo

  10. Hey Lost666,

    I think you should text this guy and ask if you and someone you both know can meet up and talk about things. I think you need to have the other person there so that they can protect you and if he only threatens you when you are alone then he wont then.

    I think you should tell him that you want him to stop. But that you want to attain a friendship with him just not a relationship.

    I don't know if my advice is helpful or not but I thought I should post my opinion.

    Also maybe if you tell other friends where you are going and that you are meeting up with him they can call people if you are gone for a while. Maybe say you'd call them at a certain time or something.

    Good luck with everything.


    Nae xxx

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