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Posts posted by forgotten_lover

  1. hi, my name is nyki, and I am so confused. I have to be husband. (maybe) I have been having doughts lately because he is acting diffrent. first off he has always had a problem with certin things i don't know if i can tell on here, but none the less the does. when i come to him and express my concern and disslike for his "HOBBIE" (problem) he shrugs me off. i don't know how to handle this. Once he told me i was intreferring with his freedom and that i needed to back off. He will laugh and joke about these problems right in frount of me without caring. I know i havn't giving much info, but if anyone could give me advice on what to do. should i ride this out and hope he gets it or should i leave. i just don't know. thank you for listening


  2. ok here it is, i have this ex boyfriend that has been removed 3 times now and hes back. i love him with all my heart and i would give my life for him but he has hurt me to many times. it seems he want to be around when the time is good for him but never when i need him. The thing is im always there for him

    what should i do should i let this continue because i love him or should i stop it.

  3. hey dont listen to you family. just remember that things can get better later on in life, i have been through it to. i have the scares to prove it and a friend once told me that life has its ups and downs but tings will always get better before worse. you have to have a good to have a bad. Dont dp anything to yourself before you find the better.

    i wish you the best.

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