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Posts posted by justwonderingkid

  1. well we're both in high school, we met around the beginning of school (late august) and we started talking alot more.. i found that she likes me and me and her have sorta been seen as "unofficially together" i guess because we hug goodbye and stuff. alot of things are going well but shes so shy or blank around me alot, i dont understand it. when we talk on aim shes able to say alot of things she would never say in person. and in person i always feel like im the one doing the most talking, and if i dont ask a question usually she wont bring up any topics to talk about. this is actually probably a stupid question but, how can i get her to talk more?

  2. to all the girls that will probably chew me up after i say this.. ill explain. overweight is something i have a hard time tolerating and i understand how many guys cant tolerate it. my reason is that, well im in high school and i wrestle so im used to constantly dieting and trying to keep my weight as low as possible, having nearly no body fat, etc. so yes there is my bias. physical turn offs: overweight and excessive body hair (more than me).. heh i guess im not too picky, i think alot of girls are good looking

  3. well, i posted a few threads in the attraction and flirting section.. if you really wanna follow up on everything. well the girl i like is my best friend.. and im thinking about asking her out on a date.. probably nothing big because of her parents, probably just a walk to the park or something.. just i want to make sure she knows its a date.. any ideas on how i should ask?

  4. see exactly what i mean.. alot of my friends say being clingy in a relationship is bad but i mean. me and my gf both have a life outside of our relationship and its summer now and school isnt open yet so i only get to see her maybe a couple times a week and since i dont get to see her much i try to talk to her once a day. is that considered clingy? and if it is.. is that bad?

  5. me and my gf usually dont have too many problems.. and when we do its usually because of a misunderstanding.. thing is since we're both 15 and her parents dont even let her have guy friends.. i dont get to talk to her much unless her parents arent around.. but i usually know whats up with her through email.. gchat.. aim.. etc. and sometimes her friends will call me and ask me if shes available to talk and i get really angry (but i dont show it) or more like really annoyed because i cant call her because of parents and then they can. i guess im a bit jealous is that normal?

  6. i think me and my girlfriend have a few problems together.. but they seem to be mostly MY problems. like we usually find a way to talk everyday (yes we're teenagers) and then the longest we've been away from each other is about 4-5 days.. well sometimes she wont be able to call me while shes gone somewhere due to phone troubles or she forgot to bring her charger or whatever.. and thats fine but. when i finally do get to talk to her.. sometimes she seems like she had so much fun without me and that she didnt miss me at all. like she wont say that she missed me or that something reminded her of me or anything and ill feel like i care about her alot more than she cares about me.. what should i do.. do any of you guys ever feel like this? i mean im glad she had fun.. but i guess i just feel like i miss her so much more than she misses me.. even though i did do alot of fun things with friends while she was gone. heh

  7. i sorta have a smiliar problem in another way.. i might write a post about it.. anyways. i think you should just try to trust that nothings going to happen the that the fact of another guy flirting with your girl just means that they're flirting with someone they cant ever have.. i dunno. i guess its a little easier said that done.. i hope this helps

  8. what do you guys think love is? at least.. how do you know if its love or not? right now with my gf every part of me wishes for us to be together always and i really care alot about her but i dont know whether thats love.. any advice?

  9. i dont think that you should worry too much for now, me and my gf have gone a few days without talking to each other, mostly because we were busier than each other expected. things come up.. just give him a call and tell him you missed him and ask why he didnt call the other times.. and to all the people who is saying hes being thoughtless, i really dont think thats being fair to him since we dont really know why he hasnt called. whatever happens, best of luck to you

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