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Posts posted by iloveu

  1. well she was the one that broke up with him and she seems fine right now. I don't think the relationship was that serious because they almost never saw each other outside of school and never even kissed. But does anybody think asking her out now is still too soon?

  2. that's a tough one cause i was sorta in the same position but i'm still not sure. you could ask a mutual friend to pass on the information and find out if she likes you? that might not be the best solution though

  3. Hi everybody. I had liked this girl for about a year but she had been going out with another guy during that time. She also found out that I liked her but we both acted like she didn't know. She broke up with him last week and for valentine's day, i sent her this flower thing that my school is doing for a fundraiser where you send somebody a flower and a card. She really liked it. I want to ask her out but how long should I wait since she just broke up? Thanks.

  4. Here it is. I've liked a girl for over a year. She's been going out with a guy for over a year. She knows I like her. She called me and we just talked. Should I call her back? Also, there's a winter dance coming up, and my friend says I should ask her to go as a friend. I'm also thinking about taking her and two of my other friends to the movies should I? Thanks.

  5. Hi Chris! I've already decided to not interfere because she can go out with whoever she wants to. I also keep my thoughts to myself because I do like her boyfriend; I just don't think he's right for her. If you ask me, they're gonna break up soon, so I need to know how to figure out if she likes me. We do have a lot of spontaneous and funny moments together. Last year, we went around a theme park together and since her friend accidentally had her money, I let her borrow some money from me. Later, her brother told me that she said I was nice. I do think that she considers me a friend. Is there a definitive way to find out if she likes me like more than a friend?

  6. I personally don't think you should be interested in her if she really is just trying to spite you. However, our judgements aren't always right. I think you should make sure if she doesn't like you by asking around (just make sure she doesn't find out!!!). On the put down thing, she could just be kiddding around with you, or she could be doing it because she secretly likes you. I'm 13, so I understand. I wish you luck with her!!

  7. Hi everybody! I'm new to this site, and I joined because I have a serious problem. At school, there's this girl I REALLY like. The main problem is that I'm not sure if she likes me back, and not only that, but she has a boyfriend who I don't think deserves her because he treats her just like everybody else. Help!!! [/b]

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