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  1. I find it is generally easier to actually just start a conversation with a girl in school than people play it out to be. The hard part is actually asking them out. See when just talking to somebody about some random thing you don't really have to worry about being harshly rejected as with the case of actually popping the question, "Would you like to go out with me some time?", etc. Being a shallow, yet hapless romantic much like yourself, I find that I am drawn to very attractive girls that are way out of my league. The best thing to start talking to your friend so that maybe she knows who you are and you can get to know her better. Also it would help not to be a moron and say something stupid, like o my how women drivers suck lol. Anyway i would try to just to talk to her, as thats easy, and not worrying about asking her out til you get to know her better and find the best means to go about doing so. Then when you know her better, use something she likes to get her to go out with you lol. I knew a girl once who loved a certain band. Got tickets for when they were comin to town. Got her to go with me just because of that when she normally wouldnt have. She ended up getting to know me better and really liking me and we went out for almost a year and a half. lol. Anyway, move in small steps then worst comes to worst do what I did lol...
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