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Posts posted by SaSaRai

  1. I go to school monday through friday from 8:15 until 3:10 and then I have to work at 4, and its about a 25 minutes drive from school to get there. I get off of work about 10 every night. I don't work on weekends, but I have bowling tournaments every saturday morning .... where do i find time to exercise? How can I lose weight on THIS schedule?

  2. hi, i posted about tanning a while back asking questions about "protective eye gear" and wanted to say thanks for the responses, they were very good and informative!


    but now, i started back to school from about a 3 week christmas break and i tanned several (probably 7 or 8 times) over that period, and a girl at school today asked me if i got to go on a cruise or to the beach for christmas, because i looked VERY tan in the face. I hadn't paid much attention, but i came home and looked and compared myself to a picture from one of the last days before school let out for break and there is definitely a huge difference in skin tone. I don't want people to think I use a tanning bed, thats a secret I want to keep on the downlow, but I have noticed that without a shirt, my shoulders are sortof pale and that is odd because in the summer time , if you swim, your shoulders are usually the part of the body getting burnt the worst! so ultimately, how can i get a pretty even tan using a tanning bed? I'm not that experienced... should i lay in different posistions?



  3. oh man.... i never knew that uv rays were so bad for you! but who would've guessed? i mean all teens these days lay miserably and roast in the sun and tan hours upon end to get as dark as they can..... maybe they don't know how bad it actually is for them?


    so maybe it is a good thing to try and stay white to prevent skin cancer and ageing? and like everyone said, those "spray tans" and everything never seem to work well.

  4. you can get addicted? omg.... well i went thursday and friday and today i wanna go really bad... i was going to drive 40 minutes away to my mother's makeover spa just to use her tanning bed. it makes me feel really good for some reason. i've never "tanned" until starting this recent summer. I've always worn a shirt etc because of MANY MANY people I know age 30 some younger and some older who have developed skin cancer and look much older. i've never been sunburnt before in my life besides my arms or face or legs until the last 6 months.


    where can you buy wink-ease?

  5. hey guys, i'm 17 and a guy on the swim team, i want to stay tan because i feel self conscious around 200 other people who are all darker than me and make me look pale. i tan pretty easy but its mid december and everyone would wonder "where in the world" i became tan from, because i definitely wasn't outside in the sun (i live in VA and it hasnt been above 50 degrees Fahrenheit since the end of august.)


    so i've used a tanning bed 2 times this week.... do you think it is ok for guys to use a tanning bed? and it is BARELY noticeable since i havent used it many times, but where i've worn the safety glasses, i can barely see "tan lines" on my eyes and nose ...... is it safe to not wear the tanning glasses as long as you keep your eyes shut?

  6. I am from Virginia in a small gossipy town where you would never want someone to find out something about you unless you want the whole town to know.


    I want to try gay sex. But with a guy who would never be expected as being gay, and who doesn't dress gay or look gay. I'm sure there are plenty of guys around who would try it but you can't just go around asking. I don't dress or look gay and I'm sure there are other gay guys who look completely straight. I've experimented with 3 different guys who were my friends who I never would have thought would have done anything, but all we ever did was touch. I want to go further this time like oral etc.


    How could I meet some gay guys? Are there any websites or chat rooms? I want to meet someone around my area, not particularly in the same town but maybe a neighboring town. I just turned 17 years old.

  7. So I made a post a while back about gaining muscle but didn't exactly establish whether or not it was possible to gain muscle mass if you are overweight. I'm 6'2 200 lbs, and have extra weight that shouldn't be there. Can I still gain muscle by working out with the excess fat/weight i have now?



    Also, I would love to lose 20 lbs. Diets are always discouraging and it is hard to exercise "EVERY" day. When I exercise 2 or 3 days in a row I can see a difference on the scale but when I skip a day it goes back to where I started. I just sortof need an exercise plan. I've managed the food and candy thing pretty well and stay away from the sweet stuff. I used to weight 231 lbs and I've lost about 30, and I lost it pretty fast (in about a month) but now I've been stuck at 200 for about 3 months because I just can't stick with something. How often/much should I work out etc?


    Also, does drinking soda have an effect on weight loss and muscle gain? When I drink soda it is all Diet.



  8. I need some tips for a guy on how to "look good" . I've noticed that a "good looking person" automatically looks more confident to others.


    What are some tips for looking good physically? What should I focus on the most? What is one of the most important feautures in looking good?


    Is there really such thing as "in style" or "seasonable" clothes? What kinds of clothes/brands/style would you suggest for winter and fall?


    I'm a 17 yr old teen and highschool, its very important.



  9. i'm 17 years old . i'm 6'2 210 lbs. i'm not fat, but im not buff. I'm always out of energy all the time! i am ALWAYS sleepy and I always feel lazy and never feel like going out or anything. I could just lay down and sleep all day! When I go out with my friends I'm just tired and don't do a lot of talking because i'm always worn out! Anyone know why? or what I can do?



    Also if anyone knows..... is weight training an important factor in losing weight and burning fat? I have done LOTS of cardio, but it doenst seem to contribute to any weight loss, just a steady weight of where i'm at.

  10. I have 2 questions.


    How good of exercise is swimming? because you can't sweat, so is it really that good as far as burning calories and fat?


    Also, how long would you say on average does it take without sunscreen before you get sunburnt?




  11. Ok, I'm trying to do something for the first time and its sorta awkward and because of that a bit embarrassing. I've never taken my shirt off , heck I wear socks year around because of my parents. I'm 16 and ever since I was old enough to remember they would always embarrass me when I didn't wear a shirt or socks. So I stopped doing it and now im 16 and I've never taken my shirt off or even my socks around them and we recently put a pool in over last summer and we are getting ready to use it the next warm day... but I just feel embarrassed because it feels like I'm naked. I've never worn this "little of clothes" before. I've never been to the pool or the beach or anything, I feel sheltered. I really don't know how to do this, they have always said things to embarrass me my entire life.... help. thanks

  12. hey guys im getting a death threat from a 3rd degree blackbelt saying hes going to kill me at school tomorrow and im going to report it to the police first thing tomorrow morning, ive got lots of witnesses but he is threatening me on MSN messenger right now and I was going to take screen shots of the messages incase i needed them in court. how do you take screen shots of your computer and where do you look to view them?


    thanks alot!

  13. we had a big discussion about hairry guys in my psychology class and theres about 50 of us and more than half are girls and they all hated hairry guys .... and im just self conscious about it anyways, ever since i was little i always hated hairry bodies, it just freaks me out...

  14. that makes sense .... it feels sorta awkward being 16 going to a spa somewhere and having them wax your back, stomach and chest though.... is buying wax expensive? i think i could wax myself maybe... itll take a little time but i think i could manage it, its not that difficult is it? i just want it to be effective.

  15. i have light skin but i tan easy, its just hard for me to get a tan because of embarrassment and my parents dont like people running around without shirts trying to get tans all the time..... with the bleach thing could you bleach it and then shave it? what kind of bleach would u use, clorox?

  16. Well I'm excited that its summer because we are out of school but.... yesterday i was at the park with a guy friend who goes to another school. There were several pretty girls from his school there and the pool opened yesterday.... they wanted to go swim and I didn't want to. One girl thought maybe I didn't want to get burnt or something and snuck up behind me and pulled up my shirt. The girls thought i was cute at first but when my shirt was pulled up they thought i was gross. I've got a pretty hairry stomach for a 16 yr old..... worse than my brother and hes like 35 and it IS embarrassing. So the rest of the day they acted awkward around me and were digusted to touch me or anything... it upset me and I want to do something about it before I go to the pool with my friends at my school. I've even got hair on my back ... and i dont know the best solution to get rid of it.. just for the summer. I don't have a lot of money to spend on this.



    If I shaved it, how are some ways of making it less visible and a closer shave? what are the best ways to help prevent ingrown hairs, and what type of razor cremes etc should i use? thank you!

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