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Everything posted by MikeKev56

  1. Hi all...I'm a 56 y/o male, separated from my wife but on good terms, minus sexual relations. People say I'm attractive in many ways, not just physically. But I find myself attracted to younger people. Not kids but people in their mid 20s up to late 30s. This is a difficult thing and not something I cultivate; it just is. I've had younger people, especially guys, approach me but they seem to want some kind of dominating daddy, which is not me. I'm not depressed about my lack of relationship(s) but I'd like some feedback on how to handle this, like how do you read a younger person's interest. The last thing I want to do is scare someone, as happened to me when I was a young man. But, I would like to make a connection. Any advice? Thanks.
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