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  1. Ok here's the deal there is this girl I like named Trisha, she is a perfect ten she's beautiful, smart, funny, laughes at all of my stupid chokes, and most of all she makes me feel wanted and special. I first met her last year in my Geometry class, we sat next to each other in the back of the room. At first I didn't talk to her because I'm very shy and she is on the cheerleading squad, very popular, and can get any guy she wants. But then one day she started up a conversation with me and we started talking every day in class. So time went on and the last day of school came, At this point I was in love with everything about her. Then after she was done signing my yearbook I looked at it and she had written down her phone number and told me to call her. But during the summer I went to stay with my mom and it was long distance so it was expensive for me to call her so I couldn't call her that often. But when I did get a chance to call her I could never seem to get up the courage to do it. Now the summer has ended and school has started again, I sometimes see her as I'm walking to my classes she says hi to me but we never have enough time to talk. So what should I do call her finally or is it to late, have I messed up things to much? Thanks.
  2. As I mentioned before I'm very shy when it comes to girls. I always have a hard time asking a girl out. Can somebody tell me what the best way to ask a girl out is?
  3. I'm a very shy person when it comes to girls, every time I go to talk to a girl I always choke and don't know what to say. Is there anything that I can do to help me get over my shyness around girls?
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