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Posts posted by OverIntelligentPLUS

  1. i asked this guy hunter to homecoming saturday evening. We are good friends and stuff like that. a couple of days ago he and some of my other guy friends came over to talk for a while. the first thing they said when i came outside was, "are you going to homecoming?" I didn't get one word out of my mouth b/c they started to talk about how much tickets were and that good stuff. Anyways... Hunter wa like im not gonna go im mean its a waist of your 4 hours. He doesn't have a date, maybe thats why he said that. Anyways....... again.... i asked him to homecoming. since he siad he didn't want to go, hes like well im not sure if im going or not, so let me think about it ok? So what i want to know is if thats like a no i dont want to go with you, and not trying to hurt ur feelings type of no..... or if its really let me figure out if i am going 1st and maybe a yes.


    Please help me.... i need to know. Thanks

  2. "when he does push ups put your arm on his back and push down on him so it will be harder for him to do push ups.....then laught a little, so he won't think you are just some mean person, or if he is strong and you can't lay him down, tell him that he is strong and smile... "


    I dont think i could do that. I feel like it would be too mean even if i was joking. I dont want to ruin it thats all. I like this guy a lot, he is smart, fun to be around, hes a great trumpet player, i am getting to be that good. I also play trumpet. He is much more and cute. Very cute.


    Yeah, i just dont want to ruin anything that i have with him already. I could do the hi and smile thing and maybe like touch him arm if i need him, or something. Is there anything else that you guys have in mind. Like, your a guy, how should i flirt?

    Thanks though, it was very helpful.


    Anyone else is welcome to leave me ideas. PLEASE! lol thanks everyone.

    Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!

    I am desperate. Please! help me Please!


  3. yeah, keep being friends, i know that you like her. Depending on what ur rlationship i s with her, you may or may not want to let her know that u like her quite yet. BE friends, stay friends, grow up live together. thoses kinds of friends usually end up marrying eachother. I hope i helped. Let me know if u need more specifics.

  4. There is this guy. He happens to be an upper classmen. OOO. Well all of a sudden for the past, oh i dont know maybe 3 weeks i have noticed him flirting with me, well i think so anyways. Well He has played w/ hair (major flirt). He has shown me his boxers, HAHA spongbob. Well um he has put his trumpet almost in my face and he pretends that he is gonna play really loud, and its really soft. I have noticed that he got close to me today during streching for marching band. During Lunch Monday i walk by him without noticing he was there, and he yells out my name, just to say hi. He showed off today, during streching. He started to do push ups, then he was like i'll do claps now. I was like ok w/e. lol. He was basically near me, but not too near me all the time to where it would be obvious. Later when practice was over, he was like bye johnathon, then he said bye to me, he rarely says bye to him, so i was thinking it might have been like a cover up for getting to say bye to me. Oh and yesterday, when we were leaving for practice he walked out with me. Well does it sound like he is flirting or just tring to be nice to me???

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