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Posts posted by talon_9333

  1. I met my girlfriend in an online forum. I answered some question she posted and she didn't see my answer so she private messaged me. We PM'd each other a few times and noticed we had a lot in common. We then started IM'ing each other. Its been 9 months now. She lives in Washington state and i live in Arizona. I'm moving there in 6 months after college gradutation. Going to washington for a week in 3 though

  2. Ya know, i'm having the same problem with my girlfriend. She's absolutely perfect but her previous boyfriends used to talk about how hot other girls were in front of her, and it kinda destroyed her confidence. I'd also like some help in how to raise her self esteem.

  3. My girlfriend lives in Seattle so we have to keep communication up. We IM and email throughout the day, mostly after i get off work and until our cell phone plans go to unlimited night minutes. We call each other at 9 and talk for about 2 hours every night. When i can't hear from her for just one day. The distance starts to become much more realisitic. Constant communication is the key ^^

  4. Cyber sex is definitely cheating. Even more so when the person is addicted to it. Its two people sharing an intimate thing together, whether or not its in person is not important. One day it might not be enough for him and he could physically cheat.

  5. I live in phoenix as well. I agree 100% about the female population in this city. Its really hard to find a girl. I feel alot like you though, i don't want to wait until i'm 40 before i have kids. The latest i want to wait is 27. I hope you find what your looking for. I did, only thing is she's not in this state lol.

  6. Hi, new to the boards. So heres the story, kinda long.


    Ok, about 8 months ago i went to a forum and started posting. I got a private message from someone on one of the topics i posted on. It was her. She and i kept private messaging each other about stuff we had in common. Then i was like "hey, do you have instant messanger" She said yea and we exchanged msn addresses. So we started talking on msn. We talked pretty much everyday for a week. About everything. I told her after i'm out of school that i was moving to washington to get a job and live there. It turns out she lives in washington. She had almost EVERYTHING in common with me. Anyways, she wanted to see what i looked like so i sent her my pic. She said i was super cute and hot and all that stuff. I was rather flattered. She said that she now had a crush on me. I was kinda stunned. I hadn't really expected to hear that.


    Well, thats about when i found out she was 13. Thats a very low age. I was 19 at the time and i was thinking that that is way too young. I decided i would continue to talk to her but just as a friend.


    A few weeks passed and she told me she broke up with her boyfriend. I asked her why and she said its because she liked someone else. I was like who and she said me. Again i was like wow. No girl has ever said this to me before. She told me that my age didn't matter to her. And that she wanted to go have a long distance relationship. i couldn't say no and i didn't really want to say no.


    Well, she called me on my birthday and i was more happy than i have ever been. She got a cell phone and calls me everyday right before she goes to bed. She told me she loves me more than anything in the world and can't wait till i move to washington. Everytime i hear her voice i want to be with her in person. We've been together for about 7 months. I know she's young, she acts really mature. We exchange pics regularly to keep up with each others lives since we are apart.


    She told her mom that she was going out with me and i was moving to washington next year. Her mom was fine with it as long as i wasn't a 50 year old perverted man. She tells me everything that goes on in her life. She said that she wants to be with me forever. I feel the exact same. I'm a 20 year old virgin so its not like i'm just in it for sex. I think that can wait and she agrees. I don't want to get in trouble with the law or anything. I'm way more interested in being with her to talk and just have fun with. I believe that she is my soulmate and she agrees on that as well. I've just never connected with anyone so deeply in my life. She's always on my mind, and i'm always on hers. She's waited 7 months already and she says that her feelings have only gotten stronger.


    Does anyone have any opinions on this? i'm not doubting that it will work, i believe it will. Does anyone think that age matters?

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