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HP-love craft

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Everything posted by HP-love craft

  1. well your not to bright, 14 duh. lol nah jk jk. but seriously dude. just be yourself, and again. dont slide your hand up her shirt. she doesnt want that, well thats not what i wanted. he tryed that and i moaned, must have been quite embarrising. yea, so when you feel the time is right, ASK HER FIRST, and kiss her gee, do you really think im smart, lol.
  2. lol, its not a thing thats going to break you guys up, the first time jake ever kissed me...it was great. i didnt care how he kissed me. i cared that he loved me enough to actully have the courage to kiss me. and he didnt just kiss me, he asked first. make sure you ask. because i was happy when he asked
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