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Posts posted by joe45

  1. Well this week my cousin who is in his mid 30's will be getting married. Yaayy free food. hehe

    Well that when aunts, uncles from my mom's side will be bothering me as to why i don't have a gf . i'm in my mid 20's. funny thing is growing up they never cared about dating, and girls-but school, school, marks and staying at home on a friday night, and all day weekends. school was like number one to them. this carried on from elementary to college. As a whole i never went out with friends, had any friends to hang out with, or even any friends at school-this was on fri , sat, sun and even summer, spring breaks. just stayed at home and used the computer, watched tv and studied. unforuntately academics wasn't my thing. i went to community college instead and obtained a diploma. i was a complete loner. yup yup.


    now back to today. aunts, uncles come in to visist us today. And guess what they ask -"why Joe , don't you have a gf" . later in the day and weeks past i guess the aunts , uncles tell my mom -as to that Joe needs to date and have a gf.

    Now my mom tells me as to go start dating, finding a gf, and how married life is way better than single life.


    In my mind i'm like ah so now you tell me hey. You can't just tell me to change and go get a gf. Its hard when your sheltered, lived a anti social life, wasn't given the social skills growing up to go get a date and also go get a gf. I can't change overnight. Its like b/c most of my cousins are getting married, they ask when i will marry. lol i like a guy in his mid 20's with like 13 year old dating and yes no gf experience. lol marriage.


    some guys can get girls very easily b/c they have experience and start dating at 17 or what not. i started at 24 and i met all of em off the internet-myspace, plentyoffish. they all didn't last at all-3 dates on average.


    man that just ticks me off. its like overnight to go and change. I mean even if i do find a girl, my folks would criticize her if she didn't speak cantonese(what we speakl), if its not that its something else. why don;t do go get a honger girl, then i do get one, its why don't u go get a cbc girl. then its shes too young , a little too old. i now them its always something wrong with something with em and ppl.

  2. do you guys think in a way that no one realli like their job and ppl as a whole just do it for money.

    look at teachers -once it hits 3 oclock most teachers are gone home. if they love their jobs, they would have stayed longer.

    look at doctors its like they don't care about their job and just wants patients out realli fast so they can carry on to the next patient.-why more money.


    would anyone here do a job they didn;t like at all , but would still do it b/c it paid a lot of $$. example police officers get paid quite a lot ,but endangers to ones -could get shot at. accounting hate numbers,but would do it since it pays well. how importants is money vs liking a job.


    what do u say to ur folks if they tell u to get into a trade or field ,and u dislike it. one reason they want u to get into it is b/c it pays a lot of $$$$, and is the only reason. Plumbing -what do u guys think. i'm not into getting down and dirty and fixing ppl's pipes. i'm 26 and i don;t think i can do grunt work-whcih is the kind of work one has to do in the beginning and get paid very little. I'm not that big either 5 7 150. But yes they can make 65/hr -self employed maybe even more. why do my chinese parents who are first generation chinese-care soo much about money. money this and that and making money.while white western ppl think more about hey do u like what ur are doin and if not quit it.


    do u guys think ppl do their job for the love of it or just for the sole purpose of money money. no one reealli like their job and just wants to be paid. money is king and is so important in choosing a career. go into trades like fixing some pipes just b/c it pays a lot. become a doctor not to help ppl,but it makes a lot of $$ and ppl would respect u since u own big property and nice things. how about this sayin "you don't like it, who cares force urself to like it since it pays a lot of money." "you force urself to be good at it and like it" why pays lot of money

  3. myself dating and girls my whole life has been pretty sad. in HS i didn;t date at all, or have any female friend , in 3rd year of college i started talkin to girls.but mostly ended being casual aquitances and nothing else-no date, nothing. sad hey,

    well during that time i started goin online dating such as plentyof fish, myspace, okcupid.. the free dating online. all and all i met quiete a few girls-from all sizes, races and personatlity types.


    i would chat up with these girls via msn-hobbies, school , life , work etc and later on like after couple of chats depending on the girl -i ask for her number and we meet up for coffee.


    the thing is i never can keep the girl for long, its like we'll go out for coffee on our first (meeting date), and then i arrange a lunch(2nd date) , and then another such date be it lunch again or hanging out at malls (3rd date). i saw on average i probably get 3 dates out of a girl probably on average , some longer-longest was 2 months-once a week and shortest was like one date. the thing is i met quiete a lot of girls off the net(approx 13) , considering my social network of friends and girls i now from real life are really few to like none.

    why is that? are girls that picky? like if they feel your too homebody its a turnoff, too quiet or what not. i feel i have more chances with unexperienced girls-hardly dated, had 1 bf , than those who dated and had bfs -experienced girls


    anwyays its pretty hard now-at 26 yr old i guess i didn;t date and meet girl when i was in my early 20's now its so hard-everyone is taken , or even more picky-considering the girls know what they want and not want in a man. my mom was like this in the morning"hey joe why don't you go find a gf and date" ,"you now u can", i'm like ya its not that easy ya now-u want the girl , she don;t want u, i'm like - and now u tell me to date , how about before. i lack total experience.

    comin from a strict sheltered family household didn't help out either- parents were like we had to come home at certain times, didn;t believe in friends and school was the only thing that mattered. kinda of lost a lot of social skills that kids develop when younger.

  4. met this girl at a info session meeting which involved work. we chatted while walking to the skytrain about cas stuff, school, the position what not etc...then i got her email which i asked for, add her to my msn. found out she was single and around my age-which i thought was cool


    well heres the deal first time i asked her to hang out with me, she didn't even show up.

    she later told me she was there, but i looked around and she wasn't. she told me she was at chapters(bookstore) waiting, which i clearly told her to meet me at starbucks-which is inside chapters. this misconception has never happened with any other friends-be it male or female. i also looked around chapters that day briefly and did not see her-i waited for 45min-frustrated for busing a 35min ride to see her.


    second time we meet up shes there 6 min late but that ok we eat out for lunch


    3rd time i ask her to meet me at 2pm the night before ,but phones me later that day at 11am to tell me she can;t make it


    4th-she does not even show up. i have a interview at 10 30am so i out of the house, and then gets a haircut, we are suppose to meet at 1pm, she is not there. i wait for 25 min, then go to a pay phone and calls her-i get vociemail-which i leave. she phones my house-which my mom tells me she phoned-i guess she changed her mind again- YES again Last minute.

    she phones me and says sorry , and that she got the job, at this company called ****, i research it on the net-no such company called *****.


    i believe its just an excuse with the job she got hired(how can someone get hired on the first interview and working on same day-position director of research) and also her being at chapters-but wasn't. for some reason this girl changes at last minute.An example will be -- i will phone her the night before to ask her to hang out at a certain time and place .she agrees and says Yes, but then she changes her mind-she phones my house but i am no longer home since i had a interview earlier or was oout that day already , i go to that location and shes not there, i phone her by pay phone(no cell) and she does not pickup but a voicemail, but at other times when i casually call her at home to say hello to talk she just picks up .


    i told her before to have her cell on-b/c i might phone her if she is around or not. she didn't i get vociemail the 2nd time.

    i'm not sure if i should even give her another chance. its so frustrating, rude and discourteous. am i jsut gettin played around. she phones me sayin sorry. her excuses jsut sound very weak. getting hired on first day of your interview as aa director of research , and the company -lol never heard of it-googled it and it came out with nothing.

    I got a feeling deep down inside she just a liar and makes excuses, she also doesn't seem to go out much-she told me she stays at home a lot-not sure true or not.

  5. ok heres the deal i met this girl off the net, we went out like 4x's - 2 x's coffee, 1 timeice skating-should have held her hand but chickened out, coffee again and then mall shoppin around one time .

    i like her ,but not totally sure if she likes me . i want her to be my gf, but as a inexperience total rookie in hi smid 20's i don't now what to do.

    do u ask em "do u want to be my gf", i like u , do u see as ur bf" i heard that u don;t ask. what do u guys think


    how do u make her become ur gf, i heard u just go make a move , like holding her hands, if she does not resist shes urs, a kiss and if she kisses back shes urs.


    how do u make a girl u dating like 4 x's, chat on msn sometimes, u gf or potential gf , dating , do u ask, or do u jsut make the move and see from the action -they kiss back or resist. do u ask her to be exclusive or what.

    i thinkin of a movie night at her place some time, she said yes but nto sure when


    lets say u guys go out, of course u do the askin"hey lets go get coffee at noon otday", and she says yes and we go out -its pretty much a sign of interest right-since she is goin out with me-one on one. but how u can;t assume its a relationship and not jsut 2 ppl hanging out.

  6. any of u guys business majors here or done schooling in business. well my folks were talkin to me about Jerry, a guy my mom works for, who is in his late 20's and lives in south granville in vancouver-owns a 2-5 million mansion huge house and has 2 high end 100k cars-mercedess g class and a carerra. this guy finised ubc in commerce degree, but i went to community college for 2 yr diploma.

    anyways they are tellin me how successful and mostly how rich rich he is since he has all those big assets. they tell me he does mutual funds , and make mad $$.


    pretty much they are tellin me to be like this guy, and how to make or invent something and become a millionarie. they tell me about the guy who cared 1 8000 got junk, Jim pattision, Ci Si yang (guy who owns expo,), and also david Ho these multi millionares.


    ok what do u say. i don;t think its that easy at all. i think if its that easy then everyone else would be doin it. i now a lot of ppl from my work who got degree from UBC and are workin at call centre, or doing something unrelated.


    i have cousins who are around his age or even older-they have degrees from ubc, sfu and they are not successful as Jerry -well in assets, they drive entry level acura, civic, low end bmw, ......and mortaging a much much cheaper house,


    how do u create something , open a busienss and become a millionare, they never taught us that in school. is it that easy or is it easy. if ur folks or someone told u that what would u think and say

    i'm kinda of tried of this comparing and challenging me , to as hey Joe can u do what Jerry is doin, look at his house its so nice and has stainglass windows and steel fridge and .....fancy crap his house has. he so rich and he only went to ubc comm, hey Joe u almost have that, why don;t u and why aren;t u as rich as Jerry. well heck who nows maybe he comes from a rich family-which my folks denied, sell drugs-which they denied, yea he just works hard like 4 jobs and is smart guy-that all says my folks

  7. image removed

    ok been kind of dating this girl i met off the net. we went out like 3x's now and so far goin-she been busy at t ime. goin back to school in Jan, and the thing i like is she has her own place.hhe since i live at home-folks always home.

    my question is how do u initate or ask for sex. the thing is we both in our mid 20's and the reason i'm askin is i'm the most inexperience guy , and never done it before. do u guys just ask hey lets go back to ur place, or do u build it like kiss, hold hands, cuddle like when goin out and from there grow to it -into sex.



    what do u girls usually except the guy to do, just go and ask or do u want it done slower,-like kiss , hold hands...

    i want to do it so it seems natural and just not using her for her body. i think she be able to detect it

    guys how do u do it. i now it sounds weird but i don;t want to screw this one up, shes seems pretty inexperience like myself and has her own place

    what ways works the best : this girl is not a drinker , partier, seems converative from nowing her. very quiet person. she seems realli into her studies too. the girl is a international student.


    let say after dinner or movie, do u say can i come back up, do u have to date her and for how long before i should start askin or initating for sex

  8. any girls out here hmm would date a guy with a dilpoma-2 years from a community college and took like business/marketing or even a guy that went into trades at a technical instuitue-like plumbing, construction....., but u are a girl who went to university and has a degree in B sc, accounting, engineering... -would u date and continue it with him . date or marry . and why or why not. if he was asian guy would u, or if he was white guy would u ....


    please tell me if ur asian and what kind of asian or if ur white...etc.



    or how about if he has a degree but from a commuity college-would it hurt his chances.


    any girl here ever dated or would date a guy who made less $$ than him- i bet most white men with aisan women couples are like that. lol hehe or even with the education too WM less educated than AF . g

  9. do you date outside of the chinese girls?



    yea i do, and i should more often. i kinda of screwed b/c i never did good in school -and i tried very hard-not academically inclined. academics aren't my thing.

    i got a 2 year dilpoma from a community college and i might pursue another 2 years for a degree, but thats just from a community college-so its like waht the use its not from a high end univeristy.


    i think vancouver is like that girls and chinese girls are more about high standards car, money, good job, not sure about other parts of Canada if they are like that. most chinese in vancouver esp richmond are all like rich driving bmw, benz, and they are all new too. u can never compete with that never also i'm not materialist so i wouldn;t want one.


    how many chinese cbcs u now goin into trades-welding. plumbing, construction -its like never ever see one or if u do its like one in 100.if you do see one hes like a immigrant or a total bananna. wow if i trades imagine gettin a date -especially asian -good luck.


    how many cbcs u see or now only have a dilpoma froma 2 year college-few to none, most got some kind of degree and from a high univeristy.



    for me right now i want to find a gf who doesn't care about material and status and the stuff i mention above , but u now what i think its gonna be super hard. its like one in 200 that don;t care , in vancouver and the girl being cbc chinese.


    white girls i think they care less, but too bad most of em don't go for asian guys

  10. do u guys think chinese canadian born / chinese girls , or even ppl, are more into status and education. for example i talk to my chinese dentist-we blah blah and then he asks where i'm at right now-i say still doin school at a community college and working in a call center. for some reason i see him kinda look embarrassed or that look of ah "i guess a fellow chinese guy didn;t succeed and meet up to the goals in life"-meaning going to a univeristy and better like studying: B Sc, accounting, enginering, med school, law or some positon that pays $$. its like i didn't meet up to that standard and in chinese culture and not sure of the other asian cultures-its like a failure.

    its not just the dentist , its other chinese too(relatives, aunts, uncles, cousins)-if u say u go to like a good univ like ubc, U of T ,... its looked up upon and the relatives for some reason want to make chit chat with u-hey what yr are u in, what courses are u takin blah blah ......) but if u just go to community college -its like whatever ok .


    also a lot of Chinese girls and even cbc ones i find are like that. i doubt a chinese cbc girl would date a cbc chinese guy who only went to community college and has a diploma while she has a degree from a real University and also stuided something like i mention above. maybe the white girls -i think they are less status and education hungry than chinese.


    lot of chinese girl have high standards too-u need a car and a decent one nothing older than 6 years old and something like at least a civic or better, u have to have a good paying job, have to be university educated from a good university and studying something worthwhile.


    come out to Vancouver its like all of em are rich and have cars and their all nice ones too. if ur a chinese guy without a car or even a decent ride -good luck with the chinese cbc girls-they ain't gonna meet up with ya or even continue dating u. why too many competition from cbc guys who have nice rides. also that u have to be educated and good job ....etc list goes on

  11. hey i hear a lot of couples and bf/gf couples and a lot of em meet through a friend of a friend-like through at a party , went clubbing and they met through friends.more like friends hanging out togther . i have a few friends very few, but for some reason i never ever get to meet their friends. it just stays as me and one friend just hanging out and thats all. me and him and not me and him and his crew and some girls. how do u by askin . also askin a friend to set u up with a single female also doesn;t work from what i found out. they say they will, as ppl don't want to shut u down ..... but it never ever happens.

    how does one get invited to parties, outings and hang outs were one gets to meet ppl through freidns of friends. do u just ask em hey please invited me over to ur party, or just ask or do u wait. i never been invited whcih is so sad. why


    the things with me is most ppl i meet just end up as aquitances and nothing ever ever more. we never ever hand out outside of school, ....... or work..

  12. have any of u guys have any friends or are u one of em , that come from a very very sheltered, over protective and strict family.

    i actually come from one and i think it did me more damage to my life growing up then good.

    Going to elemetary and HS i was told to come home right after class-why to study, even on a friday. on weekends i would either be at the local library to read the newspaper or at home studying. i had no social life and my parents were against having friends and going out. they thought friends would get u into trouble like drugs and be a bad influence.-yea way too over protective. i never got invited to any partys or get togethers -be it christmas, halloween, valentines.....etc u name it. in my whole time at elemary i probably had like 1 friend. in HS samething a differ friend , and maybe a few aquaitances-who i just chit chatted with.


    come to college -guess what same thing never got invited to anything, never dated , no gf and jsut went to school and came home and studied. i didn't even have any hobbies, but maybe watching NBA basketball and tv-thats about it. my parents didn;t even want me to work, but be in school. they wanted me to go to school, so i could make lot of money and money. thats all they talk about money money.

    ironically i never really did good in school-even though i studied hard, academics wasn't my thing, and i'm not the smartest guy , i went to a community college instead of a univesity. oh yea and they also picked what i was suppose to take-"this is good and make money, and this is not good and make little money "

    right now i have like no friends, never had gf, hardly ever dated but girls off the net and i think my parents are to blame for my up bringing-i didn;t develop the social interactions and the social skills growing up, but was at home and stayed at home instead(sheltered).


    i really wonder if i was raised by a differ family how differ it would be-would i have been more successful, be more popular, had way more gfs. i wonder. now i'm 25 and i really wonder what goin happen to me- in 7 years will i have to go to China to bring home a bride, b/c i can;t find one here. i have no luck now and is trying , so 7 years go by fast who nows. my parents would have no problem with a CHina bride-they are so old fashioned and traditonal , but me No. they can't speak english, or work and i will have to support her.

  13. why are folks so pessmist and cynical about people and also about making new friends. I was phoning a new female friend from work or be it rec room and just talkin to her, and i guess dad picked up and listened-ah new voice

    10 minutes later he tells me to be careful about meeting new ppl and making new friends as everyone out there in life is a fraud artist, user and a con.

    example -he tells me how lets say one day ur out in the streets-his favourite example(out in the streets) and you had no money -would anyone give you money and shelter-ah no


    another example-you hear screams in the park and then u hear gun shots-would you go out and help that stranger individual. -ah no


    he tells me that most ppl and yes friends out there in life are just using you for one thing or another.

    hey lets say one day you don`t have a job right -would your friend help you out and get you a job-ah no. if your out on the streets(his fav scenario) would anyone take care of you and give you money.


    after he asks me who i was talkin to-in a demanding voice- i ask him why does it matter you don`t even now him or even her. he s like because i have to now -there are a lot of bad bad ppl out there in the world just using you.


    lol first off i have no money making 2 dollars over minimum wage job and i have no car, but take the bus ,-yea i have money for ppl to fraud me.


    hes tellin me to be careful when buying a used car becasue teh buyer might -ah yes fraud me in buying a lemon or a stolen car -well yea thats why you go check the vin number , go to veh registration center and get a veh lean check and history report and lastly get a mechanic to inspeect it. i tell him this and hes like ya , but they can still get away with it-some ppl are very good fraud artist and even if they get caught in society just lets them go. hes tellin me how so many ppl cheat their taxes, the government just waste tax payers money on gambling and using it on luxury items for themselves and how ppl in life never ever follow the rules and everyone just cheats , steals, and uses one another for one way or another

    nobody is ever ur friend and and even ur friend won`t help u in bad times-no job, low marks, and ...

    i tell him yea what can u do, the law is there and its there, you just gotta do what u gotta do to prepare urself from being frauded.

    is this a chinese things or is it just my parents being cycnical about everthing

  14. There is a guy I am interested in, who I find myself thinking of more and more.

    The more I talk to him, the more I like him. I'm getting good vibes off him, too.

    He's a wee bit awkward (i find it endearing and humanizing).


    Problem is, how can I ask him out ...I have no car right now. And may not for a few months. If I wait that long, it may be too late. I would regret not giving this a shot, to at least get to know him better.


    So, any suggestions? Anyone done this successfully and how to maneoouver around the challenges it presents?


    Note: Letting him drive in his car all the time, with me tagging along, is not an option.


    Just...thoughts? Experiences? Thanks!


    lol wow girl have no car -not that big of deal. guy with no car and i have dated is kinda of a set back -well from my experience.

    i doubt a guy going dump ya with no car if ur nice person and good looking.

    i never heard of a guy saying no to a gal b/c she had no car, i heard it from girls saying to a guy.

  15. i was talkin to amy dad ,who always thinks hes right. do u guys think ppl who are homeless and on the streets or even ppl who are poor-is b/c they don't have goals in life-meaning becoming a CGA, engineer, or not getting a PHD......or even going up and growing himself in an organization , and that all they want to do is party and have fun. he ssays how all the homeless ppl are all big and strong and how come they don't work , i mean i believe most ppl don'tchose to be on the streets , it gotta to be reason other than goals and ambtions in life


    i argue as no as homeless ppl have mental issues....


    i jsut started a new job 2 months ago ,how the heck can i become or get a high paying job when i just started in a call centre andprevious before i don;t even have any work experience related to even any work experience. i told him one has to work his way up, and not make that instant 6 figure salary job. btw i only went to community college for a 2 yr business diploma. i now somany fellow grad who finsih the program and are still workin in retail as a cashier....not even related to their field.

    how can one even explain this to my harassing folks that no i don;tmake 6 figures and get promoted in 2 months-please get real.

    then they compare me to my cousin who is 32 with a MBA degree,. i mean does success determine how much one makes or if ur just happy wiuth ur job. they say like look at ur other 35 yr old cousin who also went to community college hes making 40/hr doing drafting-how about you.

    what do i even say to this

  16. I kinda of have this problem when its comes to dating , i have no car. BUt then i was talking to a friend and he later on says it doesn't matter this and that. He then says ah ya but can't u even use you parents car-well the answer is No

    how do u explain to a girl ur dating or even to guy friends that your 25 yr old CBC chinese guy and ur parents don't let you drive by urself. i never been in an accident, hit anyone or gotten drunk driving.

    I had my driving license issued on NOv 25 05-right on that date.(it took me really long in getting this final exam,as my folks never made in a prority in gettin a licence.)


    I mean how do you explain it to a girl ur dating -"ah my folks won't let me drive" i mean they'll think ah whats wrong with this guy or is he mental-which i am not. i mean thats why i have to meet em here and there at some central location-if we were to date.


    i mean my folks are parnoid about everything, going out after 8pm and when its dark is dangerous-ppl might beat you up and rob you,

    talking to a friend on the phone, and later on when i finish talking to the friend 10 minutes later dad comes into my room and asks-"whos that you are talking to" -in a straight forward question. me

    dad i had to now, a lot of bad people out there

    me: just co worker

    dad image removedk is he chinese

    me: ah yes

    what with this now, its been like this when i as 18 , and still now at 25.

    was talking to a female friend on the phone and my dad sometimes picks up and listens since the phone is all on the same line

    dad that person u are talking to


    dad: is she chinese-this is classic question for him and mom

    me: ah yes-if i say no, he'll bug me on drugs and not to do them -over and over again-did this since i was 16-and never did them either in my life

    dad sure she doesn't use you hey -lot of ppl in life use you, like those cons artists and this and that-he talking and relating to stuff in the news

    me i have no money and no damn car-yea she using me for sure-lol


    what is with my folks and no letting me drive and also my sister is 23 and she can';t drive by herself too, its hurting my dating -girls ask "can't you even borrow you parents car"-ah what do i say , and my life too. i mean i tell ppl this and their like what the heck. i mean what kind of excuse can i use instead of the parents don;t let me drive.

    also why are my parents even like this , its not like i ever did drugs in my life, never been in accident. i just work finished college and working now. i mean how can i get em off my back


    oh ya i'm thinkin of buying a car, i'm saving up. nothing fancy though, a cheap economical vehicle. hey if i can't use my folks 93 Corolla what can i do. i might end up buying a american Cavalier, sunfire-at least it goes right .

    is this a chinese thing or does it happen to a lot of chinese. my dad says chiense parents care and shelter their kids more than whites-and thats why chinese kids are not on the streets doing drugs or going to jail for stealing .....so is this a chinese thing or just my crazy folks thing

  17. i so agree with NJRON within 2 months at least she could have done was meet me half way yea not in my area but half way so its good for both of us. but with her answer when i asked her its was so hestiant


    even if i had a car u really expect me to drive her around and go to her area . lol i ain;lt no chauffeur. i talked to other girls about this and even they agree with me. this girl is just a user and selffish , and she was overweight too -didn;t notice that till she wore tighter clothes-yuck

  18. ok what the heck is with this girl , ok heres the story. met this girl named Karen off the net, first date date was as usual we met a Richmond Centre -food court and then walked around the mall. tell u the truth this girl seems nice.

    we went out for 2 months ,but only once a week , as i live out UBC area and she lives in Richmond,BC area and i have no car.

    have you guys or even girl ever dated or been in a relationship wtih a so called selfish girl before-meaning she wants you to come out to her area, but isn't even at all willing to come half way and make it convient for you-this is b/c i have no car and if i did i would't always go to her area-its an 1 hr 20 min bus ride. but the thing is when u ask her to come out half way-lets say to downtown vancouver-she gives a hestitant answer , like she reluctant to meet you there. What a self fish girl. this happened for 2 months and like 10 to 1, and that one time she met me she was late and was like ah i don't now where the Central library is ah and had hard time finding Robson ST lol. Even my friend from BBy nows Central library and Robson St.


    when we go out and eat at the end i would pay, which wasn't much its was like 13 bucks on her part, and she saying thanks , then she'll say i get the ice cream, when we go there and its come to paying she waits and witht he corner of her eye she looking at me like "ah i still expect you to pay". i'm like in my mind yea right i already paid for ur dinner. if your going say your gonna pay for the ice cream - since i did pay for your dinner, then do it.


    man even if i had a car i doubt i be driving her around and going all the way out to Richmond , jsut to see her, i mean she'll have to make a effort to come to a place more convient for me too. i mean what happened with me was i went out to her area like i said 10 to 1-bus ride 1 hr 10-20 minutes. Even if i had a car , i wouldnt be able to get a nice vehicle and with gas prices so high its like come on, be more considerate. She at time would even make a fuss about me not having a car-"when are you going to get a car", "can you afford a car", "too bad you can't come out and watch the 12 midnight showing of Pirate of Caribbeans -, you don't have a car" .....etc...ok ok i just finish College and jsut started working now how the heckl you expect me to get a car. my folks aren't goin buy me one.

    man i glad this girl ended the dating / relationship with me, thinkin now i'm so happy


    hey guys what do you think, advice , comments and suggestions, ever had this type of selfish girl

  19. Ok news about the cute cashier at london drugs , the thing is i figured out that Jen(cashier girl) works saturday nights after 6pm, since i asked one of her co workers. this london drugs is a store where u actually have to go in to see if she is actually working there or not, u can't just just browse through the window as the store was designed differently.

    ok converstion wasn;t that great, but i went in the same day , but later in the day afterwards to talk to Jen for the frist time. i seen her before like buying chips, but was too shy to make conversation and never thought about picking a gal up who works as a cashier.

    me: uhh how are you doin-said it quietly

    her whatt

    me are u doin -louder

    her: ah me good

    me ah you work here long

    her ah no just 3 months

    me ya go to UVic right

    her: ah no UBC

    ok what was it , she didn't seem really talktive or said anything , her face was mostly to the ground while talking to me

    1 month later i go back and buy a case of pop and wait till i can get her as a cashier -it not one of those places where u can pick ur cashier

    me: so your back at UBC hey

    her"ah yea

    me what you taking

    her art design

    me they have that kinda of course there

    her its media arts and design

    me: ah i just finished my schoolin at UViC i took business

    her: nothing

    me ok bye see ya around

    her ok bye

    same thing with Jen ,she doesn;t seem to talk much, but answers ur questions if u ask em,but doesn;t invite any questions or statments or her part. Also there is much time to chat as once the cashier finishes processing ur items, its onto the next customer, and i don;lt want to be the guy who seems like i'm bothering her.

    shes cute , but not sure how i can get her to talk more and how to get her # or e mail or what not. total inexperience and have never done the picking up total cashier stranger before.

    any commments or advice or suggestions please

  20. heres the problem , been meeting a couple of gals off the net myspace , okcupid, went out, the longest being 2 months and that was only once a wk, with all 5 of em they all tell me-no connection , no chemistry.

    ok what is with this? any guys here have this problem before, and how many gals do u have to date before finding thr real right gf.


    do u think its my lack of experience with girls, 25 with dating and girl experience of a 15 yr old.

    i mean i can get a date ,but keeping em and getting em interested or for long is like -they have no interest mostly after the 2nd date.i mean i don;t think i did anything wrong- i don't swear, didn't burp or fart, didn't talk about sex, just alll and all casual small talk like school, work , hobbies and what not she and i are interested in.


    any comments

  21. ah i was talking to one of my co workers, slow day for the week and we were talking about cars. he tells me he has a 04 Civic coupe and he asked me about my car ,which i said i don;t have one. he says he doesn;t drive anything older tha a 98 and hates american cars and has high standard in cars....

    he tells me how can a 24 yr old can not even have a car, and how that not having a car-meant no gf-what kind of girl would date a guy without a car.


    my meaning is what do u guys think of this comment. do u guys now any guys or gf or ppl that have no car-the guy that is and still dates and or has a gf. how do they do it.

    do girls really care about the car if u have one or not. i'm not talking about ppl in their teens but in their mid 20's or older and has no car-how do u guys date, and can they date. i met one before 31 asian guy named Derick who had no car, he said u have to improvise, like meeting them their, but i think he is the minority.


    how many guys out theire mid 20's or older don;t have a car and has a gf or u now friends, of friends or ppl of ppl how do u do it. you ask me if a gal said she wasn;t goin date a guy with no car -i say shes superfical and shallow human being, i mean its just trransopration right. we both chinese hes a honger from hong kong and i'm a cbc-chinese canadian born


    i mean even if ur a guy with a car -do u always pick up ur gf from her house and take her out, i mean gas is so $$$ and do u as the guy want to be a chauffeur. i mean the girl can meet up with u in a central close location and just go from there.

    or maybe she has a car and u have a car, and just meet up at the movie theatre or what not.

    what do u guys think comments and suggestion or are u in similar situation -tell me

  22. Previously i met a girl off the net we went out like once a week for approx 2 months.

    my main question is this how long or how many dates would you as a guy or gal go on before askin or assuming that you and her are bf/gf? i was dating Jen(gal i met off the net) for 2 months , and when i asked her if we were dating or relatonship-she said dating. isn't 2 months enough to consider urself bf/gf.

    if the dating thing went on for more than 2 months lets say 4-5 months and she still said it was dating -what would you think of this. was i just getting the run around or not. i'm just glad i didn;t spend a lot of money on her. if this scenario happened to you , what would u think.


    oh ya get this --- she had a previous bf which she dated for a month and she already considered him as a bf, but with me its just dating hmmm. why?




    also as a guy or gal who have been on dates how long , before you guys even have sex. in 2 months i only kissed her in the theatre but nothing more, we both live at home-so no place.

    is 2 months -once a wk too short to ask for sex or how long is appropriate? do u just aske for it, or do you jsut go for a kiss and ....... and then sex .


    give me feedback on what you guys think, yea total rookie as u now of it

  23. heres the deal, at a local shoppers drug mart near my neighbourhood ii notice a cute cute cute girl-shes a cashier-think shes new working there and probably a summer job, not toally sure since i don't go there often. was in there to buy milk.


    hey how would i go about getting a girls number and also getting her to go out with me.


    hey girls or even guys who got experience with the girl-like random pick up- if u were a cashier and a random customer-guy around ur age starting making random converstion with you and then asked for ur # would u give it out to him.


    1.do u think i should go in more often like 4x's go in buy a coke, chips or what not like once a wk or so -at the same time make small talk conversation or


    2.do u think i should just do it that one time -make small talk liek hows it goin and then slip her my # and msn addy. which way is better


    any of u guys out there done this before -how did it end up-good ,ok, date, no date. any advice on how to get her # and also get like a coffee date with her. tips , suggestions. oh ya her name is Karen-tag says .


    also not much time to chit chat since once my items i bought are finished processing and change is given-its ointo the next customer. how can u make the most of it

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