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  1. I am single and in my forties.I finally found a man I enjoy and have so much in common with. We begin talking 5 months ago. He was divorced 1 1/2 years and still devastated. I was his best friend and he leaned on me so much. We have spent alot of time together as we both enjoy it. He has made it plain that he is in no way ready for a relationship other that what we are doing and probably never will be.We are doing things together,having fun, having sex, and being good friends. He has a definite intimacy issue though.He has trouble getting close as far as touching and kissing. I have fallen hopelessly in love with him but if he knew this he would probably bail on me. He only defines our relationship as "best friends".Help...am I destined for heartbreak? How should I handle this. I am a basket case everyday just wondering if he will decide to bail or find someone. Thank you for any suggestions or comments.
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