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  1. Ive been getting really jealous of my girlfriend of 3 months...its only 3 months but we had been seeing each other (have sexing) for months before. Im 17 and shes 16. Its a really complicated story. She has recently told me of her past experiences which were quite a bit for her age, like a 20 year old a coupel other people and one of my mates. She had have sexed one of my mates randomly when she was really drunk, after that had happened she thought she was pregnant, told the guy and the guy didnt want to talk to her. About 5 months later i ran into her, met her a few times and ended up have sexing after we hooked up...i saw her for a few more weeks and then finally asked her out. I am really jealous of these experiences from her past ic ant get them out ofmy head, she says she has complete trust in me and doesnt get jealous of my previous partners anymore.....but i still do. (ive had a few past too. Ive only just started to trust her recently but soon schoolies will be on and we might not be together differnet accommodation etc...me and her have both agreed that not to go too far if something were to happen...but i still dont know what the hell is going on. I get jealous of her if she talks to guys at parties.....even though i trust her i shouldnt i know nothing will happen but i still get really jealous...this is when im there...she doesnt mind me talking to other girls but once again were back to the trust issue. At my age going off and talking to a random guy isnt becuase hes interesting...if my girl talks to the guy the guys goiing to tihnk shes trying to hook in with him......even though my girl wont i still get jealous for that fact my insecurity about schoolies and parties and this is killing me...anyone got any solutions....... me and her are both madly inlove...(sorry about spelling by the way im on a dodgy ibm keyboard from like 1980)
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