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Posts posted by chole

  1. Never heard of this before, but after reading up on it, seems like it happens to me. Not always, but frequent enough that when I have intercourse and penetration is deep, it feels as though my partners penis is bumping into something, like my uterus, pelvis, something. It hurts, and so we we have to either slow down, try a different position-because it only happens missionary and when I am on top- or we stop and continue later. I found something online called dyspareunia, meaning painful intercourse. Ultimately the problem is is that I cannot have an orgasm, and I understand that for most women it doesn't happen through intercourse, but through oral sex or masturbation. I am not comfortable with masturbating and oral sex so far hasn't worked either. Wondering if anyone has ever felt this before, knows what to do, etc???


  2. I have been 'seeing' this guy for a month and a half. We began talking just after his break-up with his ex-girlfriend. They were together for 3 years. I knew what was up going into the 'relationship' and yet things have gone bad. Magical first date to the pier, under the moon, etc. and we kissed. We continued talking and hanging out. A week and a half after their break up, we are studying at his house, and she shows up. I had not seen a picture of her before, so I had no idea who this girl was. He left me in his house, while they talked outside. For fifteen minutes I sat there, ignorant. When I dawned on me that she was his ex, I left. About two weeks later, we are still talking and I ask him about her, how he was feeling, and what was up. Seems as though she was upset about the break-up and called him one night at 3 in the morning, saying she was at the Golden Gate Bridge and she was gonna jump if he didnt go to meet her. After that incident, we continued talking, because he made it clear that he did not want to be with her, and we had sex. Now it seems as though he is falling in love with me, or thats what he is telling me. I was not sure what to make of that, so I disregarded it. He went home for a week, and didn't call, nor did he return my phone call or text message. I was upset and called him on it, and he apologized...he was out of the country. Okay fine, no big deal. Later in a conversation he tells me that he loves being with me, blah blah blah...basically you're awesome and I wanna be with you...Two days later, we have sex again. Not even a day later, coincidentally after he talks with his ex, he feels that we shouldn't go any further because he doesn't want to hurt me and he feels that although we enjoy each others company, and we love being with each other, it will not work, and he doesn't wanna be exclusive, doesn't want to be either of our boyfriend. What the hell should I do? This si so frustrating because not even a couple of days ago, he wants to be with me...after talking with his ex, he just wants to remain friends, so as not to hurt either me nor himself.

  3. My ex and I have been broken up since December, but I still think of him. And although we've dated off and on, I loved him. Whenever I thought things were stronger than before, the underlying problems never went away, they were still present.

    It turned out that my closest/best friend knew that he was cheating on me with his ex-girlfriend. Was this out of spite, I dont know? BUt we are no longer friends, and haven't spoken since then either.

    Not sure where he got it, but he ended up giving me Chlamydia. I cant seem to get him off my mind, and when I think I am resolved, he calls, and my feelings for him grow despite what he did. How do I get him off my mind, when I know that he is not right for me? He doesn't have my best interests at heart?

    I already tried reaching out to her, but she suggested that my attitude was controlling her life-which I think is insane. That she could not remain friends because she needed to put her first, which I have never discouraged. I think she was jealous of my relationship with my ex-however dysfunctional it was. My "friend" wrote me an email saying we needed to talk, as I agreed, but hasn't prompted any conversation. Should I care? I do.

  4. I wish more people would respond to this, because I am also interested in a truthful answer. Some people think that because women want larger breats, its because they feel bad about how theirs looks, or they want to look like models and/or "beautiful" women, but I, like other people, like bigger breasts for themselves, and are curious as to other procedures outside of surgery and implants.

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