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Posts posted by SILKY

  1. do they work.. they can work... depends on the people though.. just like anywhere else.. people lie, about things.. married, etc. I was on the site.. got engaged... two years we went out.. found out he was cheating the last 1/2 of the relationship.. would I try it again... yes.. but be very careful with anyone you go out with... don't fall for them right away.. get to know them as a person before... I don't want to deal with this again. I am smarter and wiser now and less trusting. Also on these sites.. a lot of people just e-mail. and never meet so don't think its you. Lots of people don't pay for the service.. they can send you winks.. but thats about it... so go in with an open mind.. and don't be so willing to give your heart to just anyone! Good luck

  2. You won't get the correct answer.. and even if you do.. how will you ever be sure. My financee dumped me.. no warning..I thought everything was great... the night he dumped me.. I came to find out that he went up to her house.. he was seeing her for six months.. and trying to get her to go out with him for two years... and I was with him for those two years.. never came clean.. I had to do all the searching, etc. He still says whose Kelly..lol.. even says it to his mom.. so I conveniently gave his mom Kelly's number.. and sure as anything.. she called up and asked for her son.. and low and behold .. he was at Kelly's house.. the lying cheating son of a ....lal allaalalal....lol... Its been a month and I'm doing okay.. still wonder HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND... but there it goes... its a fact.. but on the other hand.. if he would do this to me... he will do it to her too.. and she had no clue as to I was his financee .. so she says.. but I told her.. all the crap he did.. and they are still together.. so I guess he said I was a raving lunatic...lol.. which I'm not...

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