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Posts posted by MikeTheGenius

  1. I understand how you feel. I myself wrote a post similar to yours months back and, needless to say, things have improved. all you need to do is approach her while she's alone and just start with


    "Hi (her name)! how are you?"

    Girls love to talk! this will get her started and she'll come up with a topic and continue the conversation fairly easily! and if she doesnt, just look at her make an observation (her hair, clothes, etc) and compliment her on it


    The other stuff about her telling your friend she likes someone else could be a problem but you may just make her forget about the other guy. besides, she might just be playing hard to get.



  2. thanks but i dont have her #. also, as i said before, im not too articulate and not a great writer so a note is out. im trying to avoid her friends because i dont want them taunting her or anything.


    thanks anyway

  3. Hey, i have a problem. im 14, never dated and in high school. that being said lets get to the problem.

    it has recently come to light that the girl i like, likes me in return. she hasnt told me or anything but its really obvious. even i can figure it out. i dont know how to ask her out or what to ask her to do. i also dont know how to get her away from her friends or other people that may cause a situation ie taunting. i just dont want to drive her off. im also really really really really really shy . i also have trouble articulating my feelings to people especially girls (thats probably why i dont have a girlfriend lol).


    thanks in advance for the advice!


    oh yeah p.s. please dont give me advice like "just ask her out" or "be straightforward" THIS DOESNT HELP ME!

  4. well i finally talked to the girl i like (yeah!!!! whooo!!! haha!!!) and i was wondering how i would somehow ask her out to lunch (you know, so there would be no pressure; see i did think this out!). the thing is, how would i go about doing so? and how could i somehow show her that i am interested in her as more than a friend (even though its still early on in the relationship i dont want to be trapped in the void of friends)


    thanks in advance for the advice!!!

    Mike the finally happy genius

  5. well im also 15, so i can give you an adequate response. its NOT strange to have never experienced these things at this age. in fact, i'd say that a good majority of us havent experienced these things yet. i for one, have not.

  6. this will hopefully be my last post before i make a move on the girl that i like - HOPEFULLY-

    Weve established HOW to make a move and im fine with all the advice - good advice by the way - that was given to me but the only variable here is WHEN to make a move. Im confident that i CAN make a move but WHEN would be the best time to do so?


    Thanks in advance!


  7. well, i personally agree with the "nice guys finish last" thing. im not rationalizing it, afterall, it really is STUPID. A mans worth should not be measured by how much of a egotistical jerk he is. I mean what girl could possibly be happy with a jerk for a husband?!

    Uhh...back to the point of my post: as much as i hate the fact that this is true, it is. in my short life, ive seen millions of instances where the jerk gets the girl and the nice guy gets the misery. i dont understand what women see in them.

  8. I just dont understand. Why dont girls like me? Im better looking than many guys my age (14yrs). Im not that dorky or anything. I happen to be funny when i want to be, and im rather pleasant (except in the morning). Im shy, but im very close to putting a stop to that problem. Even my friends who arent good looking and are dorky have had some girl express interest in him, so why havent I?! This question troubles me everyday and every night for the past few weeks.


    I just dont understand. Someone please tell me what im doing wrong.

  9. This is it folks, ive decided to try and ask her out, or at least try to get her phone number. sounds good but this wouldnt be much of a post if there wasnt a problem - so, on with it. the problem here is that im really uncomfortable around girls and the girl i like always is with her friends - which further dissuades me from talking to her because more girls = more nervousness. so, the only solution i can think of is to isolate her; get her alone. the only flaw with that is how do i go about doing that?!


    i need the answer to this question by tomorrow seeing that I have standardized testing in the same room as her (good discussion material - which, to me, is very difficult to come by) and tomorrow is the last day of testing which means its my last chance to talk to her about it.

  10. my question here is this, "how do i get the girl i like to notice me?" ive known her for awhile and we've had several casual conversations but nothing interesting. as ive said before, i really like her but im really not sure how to make a move on her. whats worse is that this other guy has entered the picture and it seems that he is also trying to make a move on her! thankfully, she's not paying much attention to him but its only a matter of time before she does!




  11. Im really in a bind. Before i even start, lets establish the fact that im in high school and never been on a date or been kissed yet. Im very shy and ive liked this girl, Erin for like, 7 months and i cant even muster the courage to talk to her . I stare at her constantly and dream of her every chance i get. Every day, my adoration for her grows and grows and the inability to express these feelings to her is maddening. everytime she passes me and i dont talk to her, my rage at not being able to talk to her is aspyxiatiating me. HELP ME PLEASE, IM GOING TO GO INSANE SOON IF I DONT GET HELP.

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