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Everything posted by lostinottawa

  1. Thanks very much for your replies. I am disappointed, I was hoping someone would say this is just a low in the relationship cycle and with extra effort, caring and work we could fix things. I am sure I have somehow contributed to the situation, i.e taken her for granted or become to comfortable in our relationship. Were do I go form here? I really want to put the pieces back together. I have never had an outside relationship and I have never contemplated one, I love her but I feel so let down. I don't know who to turn to! I so badly need someone to talk to.
  2. Recently I found out that my wife is interested in a perosn at work. She says she has not had sex or even kissed at this point. She says this relationship has been going on for about a year. She says she is still very interested in this person and does not intend to stop seeing him. She has also told me she does not want to split and that she loves me but she is not in love with me (what does that mean). We have been married for 16 years and have three kids. This has been an absolute shock to me and I am lost. Has any one got any advice?
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