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Posts posted by shanejeffery86

  1. I have read all of the posts for this particular dilema. Truth to be told, I am surprised that a ton of guys have the same women troubles as I do. It is nice not feeling alien. Back to the original post. It's a rough road man. I had a relationship a while back (3 years to be exact) and I still love her with all my heart. She was my first true love. You never get over things like that. When you fall in love with someone, you give piece of your heart to them. And let me tell you this, women do not return it. I just got back into contact with her about 2 weeks ago. I forgot how much I missed having her in my life. It is nice. My advice to you is just to try to tell her that you care for her and will always be there for her. After you tell her that, let it go. It is out of your hands. Let her call or whatever women do. If you keep pestering her, she will never come back. She will be annoyed. Annoyed girls are the WORST. You will never hear the end of it. Trust me. Well, good luck with everything. Hope this helps.

  2. I understand she needs to time. She has told me so in very harsh ways. But, for some reason, I just wonder if she would ever again care about me the way I care about her. I don't know if it is possible. I would sure like to think it is. But, then again, who knows. I want her to be a part of my life. It just seems to fit. I have always believed she was the one. But how do you know these things? How do you know if it is something that would last? I am going on to college next month as is she. She will be in a different environment then I will. All I want is for her to be happy. Now whether that is with or without me, I do not care. Whatever happens, happens. I just believe in the power of love and power of prayer. Somehow, I know things will work out for the best.

  3. It is difficult to move on sometimes. You feel like everything is wrong without him by your side. So, you have two options. One, you keep trying to make this attempt to be his friend. Or, two, just let it go. The best thing for both of you is time away. You just spent the past six months of your life glued to one person. So, unglue yourself. Have one of those girly nights (whatever the hell they are called) where you watch soapy movies and cry and eat God knows what. Those seem to work for some apparent reason. Girl thing. I would let his parents know that you need some time to reassess your life. You and his parents may be great friends. But in the end, if you want a friendship with him, being friends with his parents isn't probably a good idea. He will think that you are checking up on him. This might not go over to well with him. Right now, think of what is best for you and run with it. Try to enjoy your life; being a single girl. Who knows what the future holds. Good luck with everything and God bless.

  4. The reason is very plain and simple. She wanted to see if you go move on without her. I can tell you, from what you wrote, that she may be lying about this boyfriend too. I do not think he even exists. It would not surprise me. I know it is hard, but let it go. There is something better out there for you. She is trying to get the best of you. Do not let her. We guys have to blow off the power some women have to have. She wants to control the situation. She wants to be the one who does the calling and messaging. Just tell her you are no longer interested. Unless are you still interested in her? What are your feelings towards her? Figure out those two questions before you proceed.

  5. Sometimes you just feel so dejected from something that has recently happened. An ex-girlfriend of mine has recently broken up with her boyfriend of six months. I have been there for her for these past two weeks. I have told her that I still have feelings for her from awhile back. She says that she doesn't want a boyfriend right now. But, who could blame her; really. I really still do love her. I want to be there for here, but I am finding that my feelings are getting away from me. So, I have decided to not have face-to-face contact with her. I feel that if I keep my distance, that I can keep my feelings subsided. Do you think that I should still be there for her and let me feelings get the best of me? Or should I just try to keep my distance until she is ready for someone in her life?

  6. During my Freshman year of high school, I met a girl. I didn't know then what kind of ride I was in for. During our freshman year of high school, we went out for six months. It was a very interesting relationship; we seemed to be fighting more than having fun. But, I guess that is what happens when you are immature. In the summer between our freshman and sophomore year, I broke up with her. I could never give her a good reason except for "My feelings for you have faded away." Of course, it wasn't actually true. So, over the past three years, we had chances of getting back together. Three times to be exact. The last time was May 2003. Now, she has just broken up with her boyfriend of six months about five days ago. And, for some apparent reason, I find myself trying to help her through it. I still love her and everything, but what do I do? Obviously, I cannot tell her now. I want her to know that I will always be here for her. I do want her back in my life. I want to take things slow; start off with a friendship. Hopefully, try to rebuild the bridges that have been burnt down. Plus, I am not sure that she is the same person that I am still in love with. I know I need to find that out. What I need to know, is how do I approach things with her? How do I let her know I care? How do I tell her that she is everything to me?


    I thank you for your time.

  7. During my Freshman year of high school, I met a girl. I didn't know then what kind of ride I was in for. During our freshman year of high school, we went out for six months. It was a very interesting relationship; we seemed to be fighting more than having fun. But, I guess that is what happens when you are immature. In the summer between our freshman and sophomore year, I broke up with her. I could never give her a good reason except for "My feelings for you have faded away." Of course, it wasn't actually true. So, over the past three years, we had chances of getting back together. Three times to be exact. The last time was May 2003. Now, she has just broken up with her boyfriend of six months about five days ago. And, for some apparent reason, I find myself trying to help her through it. I still love her and everything, but what do I do? Obviously, I cannot tell her now. I want her to know that I will always be here for her. I do want her back in my life. I want to take things slow; start off with a friendship. Hopefully, try to rebuild the bridges that have been burnt down. Plus, I am not sure that she is the same person that I am still in love with. I know I need to find that out. What I need to know, is how do I approach things with her? How do I let her know I care? How do I tell her that she is everything to me?

  8. During my Freshman year of high school, I met a girl. I didn't know then what kind of ride I was in for. During our freshman year of high school, we went out for six months. It was a very interesting relationship; we seemed to be fighting more than having fun. But, I guess that is what happens when you are immature. In the summer between our freshman and sophomore year, I broke up with her. I could never give her a good reason except for "My feelings for you have faded away." Of course, it wasn't actually true. So, over the past three years, we had chances of getting back together. Three times to be exact. The last time was May 2003. Now, she has just broken up with her boyfriend of six months about five days ago. And, for some apparent reason, I find myself trying to help her through it. I still love her and everything, but what do I do? Obviously, I cannot tell her now. I want her to know that I will always be here for her. I do want her back in my life. I want to take things slow; start off with a friendship. Hopefully, try to rebuild the bridges that have been burnt down. Plus, I am not sure that she is the same person that I am still in love with. I know I need to find that out. What I need to know, is how do I approach things with her? How do I let her know I care? How do I tell her that she is everything to me?


    I thank you for your time.

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