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  1. ok so here is my current situtation that I am in. I just started this new job and I am going through training right now. There is this girl who is also in training whom I kinda like. I don't know her very well and I can't seem to get much of a chance to talk to her alone. usually I only talk to her when theres others around. Because of this I havn't been able to figure out if she has a boyfriend or not. I don't think she does, because i've been around her for a week and a half now and while everyone who does have someone else talks about them, she has never said anything about having one. I don't know if she likes me at all or not. I catch her glancing at me once and a while, and when were on break talking in a group, she seems to be looking at me a lot. I also had this awkward situation where I was sitting by her and we looked at each other and I smiled and she smiled back, then we started talking for a few minutes. Unfourtunatly I'm really bad at reading people and I don't know if the stuff she is doing is just normal human contact or if it is a little more that I want to get to know her better, but not really "date" her yet because I don't know all that much about her, but I am terrifed to ask her. I'm not really worried about her rejecting me, but instead I am worried about a few things that are kind of different from that. First off is the fact that I just moved to this town about a month ago. I transfered into the school here and decided to move all by myself to the city right away. So I know absolutely no one here, nor do I really know much about the places to ask her to join me at. I know of a few places but I am worried that she won't like those places or something and will want to go somewhere else. I was thinking that the best place to talk with her would be at a coffee shop, or maybe see if she wants to go hang out at a park maybe (is a park an ok place to ask her to go to?). The other thing I'm scared about is where to tell her i am interested in getting to know her. I'm really scared about having other people overhere me asking her. I don't know why i am so scared, I guess for some reason it seems like to me that I shouldn't ask her to go do something. Its not like i'll see most of these people once training is over, but I'm really nervious about it. The last thing I want to ask is this. I'm 20 years old, never been on a date with a girl, I'm a pretty serious, mature guy and I don't have a lot of knowledge about what to say to her. I really want to just be honest with her and simply say "Hey I would like to get to know you better because you seem like an interesting person to me, so would you like to join me sometime and we get together and talk?" Should I be honest and straight forward when asking her? Or are my chances better if I try to a less straightforward route. Well I hope this post didn't sound to dumb, but I'm just really confusted on what to do in this situtiation. People don't talk to me unless I first talk to them, and so I have come to the belief that if I want something to happen I'm the only one who can make it happen. If anyone has any advice for me please post it. Thank you
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