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Posts posted by onthetrail

  1. i made a post a couple of days ago about what i should do about my girlfriend. i was looking on her computer and wasn't happy about what i found... there were screen names on her messenger that..... were not..... man..... then i took some of the advice from the last post and asked one of her friends whats up... i feel so bad now because she told me that my gf was seeing other guys... and i don't mean just one.... i confronted her about it at our apartment and she just swung at me and yelled 'how the hell you find out, you were on my computer! god damn!'...man i don't know what to do... she left and took the car earlier today and i don't know what to do... god...... i mean, to be cheated on like that... it hurts.... please.... if anyone can help in anyway i would apreciate it....

  2. wow.... it does make you think a bit... it seems to be full of emotion and possibly based on life happenings i don't know but it is a great poem...

  3. hmm... well... what you are doing to yourself is not the right way to handle it. whatever it is that is bothering you must not let it get to you. i know how you must feel. trust me. i have been there. but you have to talk to someone... just anyone. your cousin or your mom... someone who you trust at least to calm your nerves and help you think. because what you are doing will solve nothing. i hope what i have said here helps in some way. and trust me. whoever you may talk to should understand...

  4. i have a girlfriend who lives a ways away from me and have reason to believe she is cheating on me. half of the time when i called her she always think of a reason to leave. i don't want to come right out and ask her. i'm afraid of what she'll say. 8-[


    i would apreciate any and all advice. thanks...

  5. i agree with the post above here... all you ever would need to do is tell him its a major turn off or something like that... he should stop if it isn't some BIG fetish of his which could be weird or something but just tell the truth...

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