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Posts posted by Kindman

  1. Hi all, i have just recently started giving my g/f who is 18 years old, oral sex. After we make love, i normally cum before her, and she is still very horny, but i tend to lose my will to continue further after i ejaculate. My g/f of 2 weeks, continues by herself, but i know she is annoyed at me, for premature ejaculation. So i decided to go down on her one night. She had her legs apart, and i began to lick around her clit. I could tell she was enjoying it, so i continued, even though it tasted yuck. To make matters worse, as she came to climax, she got a firm grasp on the back of my head and held it as she came. At this point i noticed i had a liquid dripping off my chin. I have never experienced this before, as i have never looked down that far while making love. Is it possible that the substance that was on my chin, could have been a result of her squirting as she ejaculates? I really dont want to do it again, it has kind of turned me away from oral sex. Any advice, preferably from a female would be much appreciated. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for the reply guys! Yes, it's been hard, actually very hard to put up with her. But, i guess loving her more than anything, and looking forward to holding my new born gets me past all this. She's still very moody, but what everyone has said is not to worry about it! So, i wont! Once again, thanks for the replys.

  3. Hi, I hope someone can shed some light. My Fiance` is 5 months pregnant. For the last few weeks, i've had to sleep on the couch. Every night we would get into bed, read our books, turn the lights off and try to goto sleep. About an hour later my fiance` would get really angry at me for snoring, or even turning over in bed to change to a more comfortable position. I would say sorry, and try to get back to sleep, but that's not good enough for her! She offers to sleep elsewhere, but i wont let her. I would rather be uncomfortable than seeing her uncomfortable. When she wakes up, she'll be fine. She doesnt say sorry, or anything! Is there something i should be doing that i'm not? Is this normal for women to get this moody during pregnancy? Thanks

  4. Maybe you should put all that negativity and all that thought you have into writing this post into something constructive. Like Owning a video game business, or building your life around what you love. It works for lots of people. Think about it, if you put as much effort into thinking what you could do with your life instead of putting all the effort into thinking what you dont want to do, you might get somewhere. Your life is what you make it. Others arent going to give you a future.

  5. Hi Cha, i know exactly what you're going through. Dont quote me as being an expert or anything but i'll give you my thoughts. Sometimes in relationships, especially the length of yours it is always great to take a break. After a while, whether it's a week, two weeks or 3 weeks even a month you will soon realise your feelings. I'm sure your ex boyfriend is hurting more than he is letting on. You say that he's been acting childish? that's always a good sign that he is hurting a lot. Guy's are weird like that. Girl's just seem to go all quiet, where as guys get childish and sometimes do things they regret. Anyway, you also said that he is willing to change. I was in a relationship for 5 years and my 'now' fiance broke up with me a year before we got engaged. She said that she couldnt see us being together and that we want so many different things in life, and basically couldnt see us living, or even being with each other. I managed to get through to her that i accepted that, but i loved her so much that i would do anything to change and make the relationship work. She still persisted to ignore me for weeks, until she came to it and gave me that chance to show her that things can be how we want it. Which is exactly what i did. I tried my hardest to make the changes to my life to suit both of us. She also had to make changes because relationships are never singular. A year later we're engaged to be married, we've got a child on the way and we've never been more in love! Anyway, back to you. If your ex boyfriend is saying he wants to change just so you will stay with him, he maybe wanting to do just that! As hard as this is for him at the moment, and for you also.. This maybe just what the doctor ordered for you both! It sounds to me like your ex boyfriend loves you dearly if he keeps "texting" you all the time, especially after you've told him that you want time to yourself. This just tells me that he misses you and/or really loves you. You say that you've gone to pick up your mobile phone and "text" him to say that you miss him. This sounds to me like you really do miss him and in the back of your mind there is something saying that you want to be with him, but there are circumstance (at the moment) which needs to be addressed. You said that he's trying to change.. Have you had any indication that he is trying to change? Or is he just saying that? Normally if they just say that, nothing really changes in their life, but if he really does mean what he says, he will be trying to change, believe me. In the end, you can only do what your heart says. You know how you feel, and you know your ex boyfriend better than anyone else. If i were you, i would check to see if he is making the changes to his life.. If so, will he stick to them? If he loves you as much as he says he does, then i'm willing to bet that he will stick to them. Communication is the key my friend and the Bottom line is, there is a lot of give and take in any relationship..it's just a matter sitting down and talking things through. As for your ex boyfriend telling your friend that he has been asked out, who knows! He may have, or he may just be trying to make you jealous? That's also another guy thing. Everyone deserves a second chance. I hope this has helped you a bit.

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