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Everything posted by fireflymo

  1. This is my first time here. I needed some support and community so I thought this would be a good place to try. I won't go into much detail as I know everyone can't read a novel, but a six-year relationship with my lover, my best friend just ended. It has been two weeks since he left. I could write a novel, like I said, but I'll try to condense. We have been through so much together. We really became adults and learned how to love and to be in a relationship together. I am 29, he is 28. We have all the same best friends- a beautiful community of people who love life and are kind and generous. He has been wanting to have an away adventure- time to himself. For a year at least. He didn't want me to go with. This was painful but I understood in a way, as I took one year in a different country to "find myself". But I fell in love with him all over again and could imagine, now that I have found myself, a life with him forever. Two weeks ago he left and we left on wonderful terms. But it is hitting me that we might not ever be with one another again. I have been obsessing about him finding someone else, and getting married and having children, and me being alone and feeling the sadness. I don't even know what advice could be given. I am just hurting and scared and am traveling visiting friends, jobless and homeless.
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