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Posts posted by kim3792

  1. Okay well im close to really thinkin about doin it now my lfie is on a complete low.. i cant talk to ANYONE about my feelings because im too scared and I really cant this is my only choice... I ahve nothin god to lvoe for nothin.. every day is torture for me... I hate my life so much

  2. Okay theres this new guy ive started to do things with and i wanna know what feels great... what can i do to really impress him..? how can i wank better? what are the top tips?? Thanx for readin XxX

  3. Lol well.. I don't really wanna wait till marriage seeing as im only 14.. i know im jsut going thru one of them phases but oh my gosh i need sexual activity.. wen i do sports i jsut think more about it.. its weird really.. sometimes ir eally don;t wanna do it but i do because i eally need it...

  4. alright...first of all...calm down..im sure shes having fun..she may have posted 2 you..but you know what post men are like..you jsut cant count on them. As for phoning..THATS COSTS LOADS!!!!! i wouldn't expect a phone call...i say you should go out with some mates to the pub or someting..and keep yourself busy..she'll be fine believe me! if you need to talk further privite messege me

  5. Well ive always loved kids and my best friends mother has just had a baby and well..i really want a kid of course im going to wait for when im older and i can actually handle it but right now i love kids soo much i don't really nkow what to do with myself lol...i guess if any one could give me advice on how to handle my situation that would be good..thanx

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