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Everything posted by Beyourself13

  1. And re your self doubts. I get them too, it's totally natural...just keep plugging away at that inner critic (as I do myself every single day) lol!
  2. Thanks Shooting Star. You've really said some things that I needed to hear, so ta!
  3. Hi there, I consider myself someone who is capable of writing really wonderful plays for the theatre. The problem is that I have become so disillusioned with the world (I'm female in my early 40s) that I feel like nothing I write will ever make a difference and change things for the better. So right now while I have tons of time to write, I just find it impossible. It's making me feel very, very depressed. Is there anyone else who can relate to this, or who can give me some suggestions? The reason I write is to reach people, but if what I have to say is not something people care about then why bother? (is what my irrational brain keeps telling me). I keep thinking that 99.9% of people want to see rubbish, mindless stuff that does not make them think about making this world a better place. I see so much toxic garbage out there that people find entertaining and it breaks my heart that they do. I also think there is some amazingly beautiful, transformational films and theatre that is seen by many as well. But I find this is pretty rare. How does a writer who wants to make a real difference motivate themselves to keep writing even if their work will never be understood, loved or accepted by others? It's my calling...I have to keep writing, but right now I'm very blocked. I'd appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.
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