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Posts posted by ASHAN4U

  1. ~ DAY 6


    I don't want him back anymore...


    I think it's the whole "they don't want you, so you want them more" kinda thing. I'm over that and things are more clearer. Yes, I do miss things we did together BUT I don't miss the way he treated me. I could eventually be his friend at some point but right now it's him that is so hostile towards me and I really didnt do anything wrong except break up something that was already broken on his end. It didn't take him long to find someone else (2 days) AND he even said "I wasn't happy and hadn't been for awhile". Yeah so, I saved him from being the bad guy and ended the relationship so he didnt have to when all along he wasn't happy.


    I start therapy tonight to help with some of my core issues and hopefully in time meet someone that is wholesome and worthy and not a train wreck like he was. What was I thinking!!! lol

  2. ~ DAY 4...again :stupid:


    Yep I had myself in a tizzy on Friday trying to pack for the beach and I couldnt find my carry bag...so the last place I could think was in HIS truck...so yeah (stupid me) text him and asked if he could look for me. Well it was a day later he responded that he did not have it. Ha...I ended up finding it...again stupid me. Well here is day 4 AND I'm doing phenomonal...in fact....he text me last night and I DID NOT RESPOND...yay me!!!!!


    So here is a question...you're dating someone and they introduce you to some friends of his/hers and you become really good friends with them too over the time you dated. Not just seeing them once a month thing but seeing them like once a week if not more. So you break up and you remain friends with the people he/she introduced you too....what do you do? Because I hung out with the friends that he introduced me to all weekend and he caught wind of yesterday and flew off the handle via text saying "why you make sh*t weird, that's MY people * * * " and then said I look like a moron and told me to back away from his friends. I did not respond to any of it. So what would you do in this situation? Her andI have become really good friends and I don't want to lose that b/c he has his panties in wad.


    Anyway...this just validates why I am not with him...thank goodness I don't feel like I want him back anymore!

  3. ~ DAY 3


    This morning was better than expected, woke up not thinking about him. In fact the only thing I thought of was wow I didn't wake up thinking about him...lol. So I guess that is a step in the right direction. It's been a smooth day so far even though the thought does cross my mind since it's a holiday weekend...what he might be doing. We spent this weekend together last year and had so much fun, and now he's prob with someone else...NOT thinking about me.


    Yesterday we had a customer appreciation BBQ at work and thank goodness he did not show up (I pretty much knew he wouldn't)...but I did see one of his co-workers who talked to me for a bit about the situation and made me feel a little better. He said sometimes you need to give people time to miss you...so give it time! In that time you BOTH can figure out what you really want and if you REALLY want each other it will happen.


    I will tell you this...from past experiences...they DO come back...at some point. I want to say about 75% of the time they do and I am living proof. It may not be 2 weeks or 2 months or even 2 years but they do...if you made a lasting impression on that person and then you broke up for some whatever reasons...they WILL remember you. So here you go...I went and had drinks with an ex from 2-1/2 years ago...I was in LOVE with him and when he broke my heart to go back to his wife, it was like I died. I prayed every night for him to just come back into my life, I missed touching and kissing him and laughing with him... well there you go and here he is. AND...it's kinda helping me move on from my heartache now with my most recent ex...but I still have a long way for that.


    So all, let's keep our heads up and let the magic of karma and destiny work in it's mysterious ways!


    Onto day 4...

  4. ~ DAY 2


    So woke up this morning with a bit of a struggle…mornings are harder than nights for me. I guess its b/c when I first wake up I immediately start thinking and wondering if today will be the day he may miss me just a little. NOT…if he missed me he would have called/text. If he loved me, he would have communicated. If our relationship was WORTH it to him he wouldn’t have done what he did so fast. It was worth it to me every step of the way but maybe I drove him to just say screw it…I dunno.


    I’m actually in a bad mood today. I don’t really want to talk to anyone…I’m tired of hearing from people (that didn’t know we broke up) that they think they saw him out (with a girl). It just puts my emotions back to square one. It amazes me that when we have broken up in the past it was always him missing me and telling me he feels like he’s lost his best friend…him saying he wants a relationship and now I guess he’s just tapped out. Yes he’s been the rubber band a few times…pulling away b/c he was basically afraid of commitment, didn’t know what he wanted and then would turn around and couldn’t stand to be away from me…so what makes that different now! I got the “chill, I want to be in a relationship BUT I want to do what I want to do, when I want to do it” speech. We disagreed on that statement so much that it’s almost the reason for the demise of our relationship.


    In the end he’s right I mean, he’s a grown man… he CAN do what he wants…but he never elaborated on that…he left it opened ended so that IF he went and cheated or whatever, he could come back to that statement. I personally feel when you are in a relationship that you have boundaries and respect and you set them BEFORE a freaking year down the road when people’s feelings and emotions get caught up.


    I wish he would have communicated better with me, actually listened and heard what I had to say instead of being selfish and all about him. Guess that’s what he is still doing…being SELFISH. It was ALWAYS about him. Yeah…sad to say but my b-day last month…yeah…nothing. I actually had to remind him it was my b-day…do you think he made up for that with dinner or ANYTHING…no. L Why would I want to be with him anyway. Good luck to the next girl when you find out he doesn’t do holidays and don’t expect being put on a pedestal.


    I find myself checking me phone all too often…I need to stop.


    Onto day 3….

  5. KPLUM92~ Thanks! I appreciate the words and yes it does feel so much like a game sometimes...ugh. When we first began dating I was basically the "rebound" that ended up being a long lie. Verbatim him " I never thought we were going to turn into a relationship". So that's the part that kinda sticks in my gut...SHE may be a rebound now BUT.....things can always change. You're so right about if he misses me, then he will make it known and in time he may...it's just this time now that I have to heal and figure out on my end what makes me happy and if he honestly did.


    For you, I know the feeling of just breaking down, I thrive on the moment I walk out of work to just put my sunglasses on and shed some tears and then more when I get home. I usually end up feeling better after that...it's like releasing some of the negativity harbored up. I wake up in the mornings hoping that today will be the day he will just send that "good morning" text...so I can smile, cry and then ponder what I will do with that. We are all on here so we can help each other to NOT REPLY...and I'm sure you can do that until the right time. Like you said to me...hang in there and if it's meant to be it WILL happen.

  6. ~ Day 1


    Well here I am. Dwelling, thinking, what if-ing…not fun. I’m the dumper, but somehow subconsciously when I was doing the drastic via text message then phone “dump” I was thinking that maybe, just maybe he would see how hurt I was from some underlying issues we had in our relationship and we would live happily ever after. Yep..nope…didn’t work…it backfired. So instead of him “realizing” and maybe compromising with me he took the break up and ran with it…yep ran with it straight to someone else (an acquaintance of mine and his) 2 days after the deed. Of course he and I carry many mutual friends and I heard everything right through the grapevine. No..he wasn’t already seeing her, in fact we ALL were hanging out one night and they exchanged numbers…didn’t bother me so much at first b/c we were all just friends, but it happened. He’s the type that can’t be alone so he found the next best thing I guess. We were together for just over a year but have known each other for about 18+ years and it’s just so hard to understand how someone can move on so fast with no regard for the last year while I’m here still trying to pick up the pieces.


    Well I guess this is why I am here. So with that being said…I tried the NC thing 2 weeks ago when I dumped him…and it lasted 2 weeks. It’s called DO NOT CONSUME ALCOHOL by yourself while you still have access to your phone. NOT a good thing but we all do it anyway. So yeah, I did the text “can you come get me” and I got the blow off and then the block…THE BLOCK! What did I do to deserve being blocked! Yeah, it stings a little, ok…A LOT! You know that end of all communication thing, OMG I’m never going talk to him again…ugh.


    So…can you guess what I did next? Yep I waited 2 days and borrowed a friends phone and sent him a sweet NOT mean text….waiting and hoping that he A. got it and B. would respond. Well he did, BUT not how I wanted…he basically stated he didn’t hate me but he just wasn’t happy. Talk about triple crush on thy heart L . Ok here I am one of the few who have to deal with him on occasion’s b/c he is a customer of mine…sooooooo that same day he came into work (yesterday). Long story short, we talked for a few cordially, he said he would unblock me, thinks about me BUT he just “wants to do his thing” now. Ok fine, I understand…but I wanted to still be his friend…he said we will be there again, blah blah. So he did unblock me and sent a text saying so but it basically was very demeaning…I unblocked you but don’t start anything to make me regret it. Take Care. TAKE CARE! I hate those words…but he knows it. I didn’t respond and he sent another text making sure I got it.


    Ok. Wow…I should feel great he unblocked me…NOT…what does that do, give him power over the situation? That’s not what this is about…UGH. Now I am here DAY 1…my guess he is thinking I’m going to text/call, but I WILL NOT just to prove him wrong. Don’t get me wrong, all I want to do is profess my love to him but where will that get me, nowhere. The thoughts overwhelm my mind, it sucks…where is he, is he with her, is he texting her good morning beautiful, I’ve been replaced, is he thinking about me, will I get that text/call again that makes me smile…WILL HE COME BACK.


    Onto day 2…

  7. Master T... that is so funny you say that about the picture b/c for the last 6 months that I been broken up with my ex, he still has our pictures up in his living room. (yeah I've gone by his house just to look). Maybe it's just laziness.

    Well my ex was here at my work location today on business and low and behold he stops by my desk, says he likes what I did with my hair and said he would call me later. He's predictable... he won't call. I guess that's what I need b/c I prob will answer the phone if he did. NC is hard!

  8. Anna... to make a long story short he dumped me 6 months ago and yet we still have had contact within those 6 months it was basically all of my doing. We basically broke up b/c we did nothing but argue about stupid things some on his behalf and some on mine. In these last 6 months I've realized that losing him wasn't worth all the arguing we did and I've wanted to be a better person towards him and be more patient and understanding towards his point of views. I've tried so hard to show him in these months that I have the control and confidence to maintain a loving, trusting relationship and I think he fell out of love with me in the process. He nor I have dated anyone and at times he would call and tell me he missed me and or invite me over to spend the weekend with him. I've been so respectful to his needs and I've even asked him what is keeping him from trying to work things out with me. He said it's the stress and controlling behavior that drove us apart before. I'm sad and he told me last Tuesday that he was going on a date that Friday night. I still don't know the outcome of the date b/c I've been sticking with this NC, but it's kiling me b/c he still left the door cracked (I suppose just in case this date doesn't work out). This is so hard....

  9. Annalise... I agree 100% with mornings being the worst. I don't know what it is... maybe it's the fact that I know I just woke up another day with him not in my life. It's a struggle each and every morning to get myself up and showered to go to work and it's 10x worse on the weekends b/c I have no motivation to do anything. The thoughts of him and possibly another woman press on my mind and heart. It's unbearable. I took the Super Dave challenge and started 5 days ago, I think I recall seeing you on there as well. I'm feeling the same pain you are and this is going to be a difficult journey. I'm here for you as I'm here for the same reasons we are all here - to get through this.

  10. Starting day 5...


    ...at work now and really it's not helping. I feel like I want him to IM me and tell me that he is going to pursue this girl he went on a date with so I can move on faster, but it will just be more torture. I guess the silence is all I need to answer the questions I have. This is going to be hard - I can't delete him off my contacts b/c we work for the same company but different locations. So it's only a click away to say "How was the date?" But my sanity and this forum are the only things keeping me from doing that. Maybe it's that I want closure, I guess after our last IM we had the door was still left cracked and that's keeping me from moving on. My feelings are so confused!!! I need as much advice and group hugs as possible.

  11. Finished up 3 full days now, going into day 4....


    ....arggghhh mornings are the worst. I feel so empty within. The thought of this other girl/woman flashes through my mind and yet I don't even know the outcome of the date. For all I know it could have been horrible (but that's what we all would like to think). I fought the urge last night to pick the phone up and at least see if he would answer and then proceed to ask how the date was, but right now I'm better off not knowing and of course will eventually find out anyway. I went to the movies last night to get through the misery I was feeling to only have to wake up in hollowness once again. I miss his presense and the change of season here isn't helping much - it's brings back to many memories!!


    So on with my day I go trying my best to think positive. I'm actually looking forward to going back to work tomorrow just so I have more to occupy my mind.


    I think I'm going to go cry...

  12. Okay so I'm ready to jump in and take the challenge. My ex and I have been broken up for 6 months now, however the seeing, talking, IMing has continued throughout this time period. We were supposed to meet up for a casual dinner and he called 2 days before and cancelled. He then proceeded to tell me he was going on a date that Friday night (which would be last night) My stomach is in knots, not knowing the outcome of last night just sickens me. Did it go good, did it go bad, will we ever talk again? The last IM we had he said that he hasn't been out looking for anyone in the last 6 months and he didn't have high expectations about this blind date (yup blind date) But honestly no one has high expectations on the first date - I didn't with him on our first date and here I am head over heels still in love with this guy. I basically told him that I hope it works out for him. I mean was I supposed to cry and yell and make myself look so unconfident that he would just try harder to like this girl even if he didn't? NO and the funny thing is he was kinda shocked and weirded out how I took the news so well- (yup, first step into showing the ex that I have confindence, and believe it or not confidence is an attraction) So it's Saturday morning and I managed to get through the night in one piece, I went into my closet and pulled out some old tapes from back in middle school and listened to them, got some laughs out of it and went to bed. My ex told me again in our last IM conversation that he would let me know what's going on with this date, if he decides to pursue it, but the fact of the matter is HE WENT ON THIS DATE so that means one thing... he's ready to move on regardless if we still talk or IM or whatever. So the only thing I can do now is move on and see if he lets me know anything. I will not contact him to find out how the date went, that will only make me look weak. I have to think positive about this and know that nothing is impossible... yes, we all want our exes back that is why we are here, but is it that we want our "ex" back or is it we want the way he kissed you back or the way she smiled at you back, is it we miss the late night pillow talk or the arguing and then making up; the long drives together as he or she rested his or her hand on your thigh, the giddy love in the very beginning, the comfort feeling and just being able to talk about work or your bad day. Do we miss how he looked in those certain jeans (the ones you bought for him), or is it we miss the way she helped you do yard work in the spring, drink beer by the pool side and go to every Dave Matthews concert in driving distance? I know for sure that I miss all of those things we did but what I'm trying to figure out now is if I miss those things b/c of him. Love is about compromise, gaining perspective and then putting that into action as a team, and if you both aren't willing then it will never work. I tell myself everyday that time heals wounds and if we are meant to be together our love will find it's way back. For now I will let him go so he can find the meaning of true love and when he does he will then know what my love for him was really worth.


    So Super Dave and all that are feeling hurt and miserable, I'm here taking on this challenge to get back what I lost - self worth, self confidence and self respect (maybe him). Our last contact was on 02/28/07 so it's been 2 full days now. My question to everyone is what do I do if he calls or IM's? Do I ignore or do I listen to what he has to say?


    The challenge begins.....

  13. Itg-

    Alot Of Disagreements. We Could Never See Eye To Eye On Anything, But We Always Hung In There. I Was Impatient About Everything, I Questioned Him Alot And Felt That If He Didn't Want To Be Around Me At Times That He Had Lost Interest. He Has Been The Type To Break Up With Me Over The Slightest Disagreements, I Guess That Was His Way Of Dealing With Issues - But We Would Always Pull Through. I Think This Last Time It's Pure Exhaustion Of All The Bickering That We Have Done. I Though Am Not One To Give Up When Things Get A Little Rough, He On The Other Hand Has Either Given Up Or He's Just Giving This Thought.

  14. To Those That Have Said We Need Time Apart, Could Someone Please Tell Me If This Is A Good Thing Or If It's The Cop-out Way To Really End The Relationship. Im My Story There Is No Other Woman, We've Just Fought To Exhaustion. These Were The Exact Words From My Boyfriend Of A Year " I Think We Need Time Apart To Evaluate Or Relationship And Figure Out If It's Worth Saving" Does This Mean I Need To Give Him His Space And When He Is Ready To Contact Me He Will?



  16. I understand what you are going through, last week I caught my boyfriend cheating on me and now he seems as though he doesn't even know me. He either doesn't answer the phone or he is very cold when I do call. I tried to call yesterday and she answered the phone. It sucks, but all we can do if we want our men back is to be patient but not stop our lives for them. You can try what I did last night, I went to a physcic and if you have any spirituality in you this might help. It was amazing what came out of her mouth, things that only I knew. I of course wanted to find out about my ex but I didn't even have to ask her. She said I have been betrayed recently and that he is with another women. She said that this women is only an infatuation and the he will want me back within 2-3 months, however she did say that I will not want him back when he returns. She also said that he owes me money which is so true. There were other things she said that she couldn't have possibly known but she did. I felt much better after that just to know that maybe he will want me back and maybe when he does I'll just get satisfaction knowing that he misses me. It doesn't hurt to try it out, you might hear some things know one else can answer.

    I'll also tell you a little story that might make you feel better...

    When I was 22 I dated a guy for 2-1/2 yrs, things were great, but I had a little jealousy in me. So at times I would accuse him of this or that, but it never stopped us continuing our relationship. Our sex life was great, we did things together all the time and had fun, we never lived with each other but I spent alot of time over his house. Then he started to hang out more with his friends and work on cars and he also had a friend who owned a strip bar and he started going there all the time. I would get so jealous and accuse him of being with one of the strippers. After a while things turned bad for us and we would only talk every couple of days, then one day I called him and this girl answered the phone, come to find out she worked at the bar. I was devastated. I cryed for months. It took me almost a year to actually start dating again, but through the process I prayed every day to god that he would just come back to me. I found out that this girl moved in with him( something that he never asked me to do) and they were happy. All I wanted was us to be together again, I never called him again after that girl answered the phone but I prayed every night . 2 years later he called, his girl moved out on him and was pregnant by another guy, of course he was upset so he figured that I would be there, and I was. However I was not there to be his rebound and I made that quite clear because of course I was over him by then. He eventually gaot over her and wanted to have a relationship with me again, he kept telling me to move in wth him, and he would help get my bills payed etc. What did I do?........


    I remained friends with him but not a relationship, I realized that he was everything that I wanted back then, but not now. I was his second choice and I was always going to feel like that. We continued to talk maybe once a month and now he is with a girl that hes going to be with for a while and I'm happy for him. See some things turn out the way you want them to, only, not to really want it at all. They do come back, you just have to know if something is really worth it. Just have a little faith and patience, they will realize who was good for them and who was bad.


    A little praying helps to.......

  17. Its sounds to me that she really needs you to be by her side in every decision she makes and I think that by you letting her go through her phase will help her get through her phase, do you understand? I think that you should go out to see her, it won't hurt and its not like she doesn't want you there. Go and see how it is and pay attention to how she reacts when you have to leave to come back home, but the worst thing you can do is push the issue about her trying to find herself. Let things happen, it doesn't seem as though she doesn't want to be with you, but she needs the support and that will show her that you care.

  18. I need someone to screw my head back on, but at the same time I need some reassurence that everything will be ok.

    I started dating my ex on Oct 11 2003 and we hit it off great. Within the 1st week he had already told me he loved me, of course I didn't say anything because I didn't know if I felt the same. I also thought that how can you love someone you don't even know. He says ther is no timeline for love. So I agreed and we went on in our relationship. after about 2 weeks I was loving him back. I have a son and they didn't hit it off, my boyfriend liked him but my son didn't like him. I figured that they would get used to each other. After a month I asked him to move in and that is when everything started to happen. He would get up and leave for work and within minutes he would be back home thinking I was doing something wrong like calling some guy or whatever. I would reassure him and tell him I loved him and he would leave for work again within minutes he would be calling me. Now when he moved in he new that there would be other guys that called the house until they new that he was living there, but he wanted them stopped now before they even called, so any guy that did call the house I told them flat out that my boyfriend was living here and to stop calling. Time went on and it got worse he acused me everyday of sleeping with someone, he would come home and look in my sons closets to see if someone was in there or check the back door to see if it was unlocked. I loved him and I put up with this. Other than that he payed the bills,opened doors for me,loved me dearly but didn't trust me and I gave him no reason. He said he was going to change and I gave him the benefit of the doubt. We talked about marraige and kids and moving to Az together, we even went and bought a truck together. I put alot of effort to make this relationship work and it didn't get better after that, I started kicking him out if he called me a bad name and eventually he moved out with his mother. We still remained together and saw each other every day, he thought that if we weren't living together it would be less stressful and he would trust me more. He trusted me less. He would start double checking up on me at work and what time I left and if for one night I didn't want to have sex he would think that I was having sex with someone else. I never once cheated or even thought about cheating on him, this was the man I wanted to be with and all I wanted was for him to trust me. I know I sound like a fool for still staying with him, but love does crazy things to your heart. hekept tellingmeI was the only one, I was what he has been looking for as well as being good in bed, but I wanted him to love me for who I was and not what I looked like or is how I was in bed. i knew that he loved me in his own way, and he did all of the chasing while I sat back and took the relationship one day at a time. I figured hes not going to leave me he wants me too much and hesafraid I am going to be the one to stray. So I got comfortable. everytime we got into a fight I would kick him out of the house knowing that he would be back. We loved each other very much and we put up and went through alot. well last friday night we got into a fight and I told him to leave and he did he went to his moms like usual and saturday he called me to come over. We ended up getting in a fight on the phone and he never came over. i didn't hear from him on sunday and monday he tried to call I didn't answer. tuesday morning he called me and said he missed me and wanted to come over tonight I said that was fine. he never showed up so i went to his moms and he wasn't there as I was driving home I saw his truck parked outside of a restauraunt that closes at 11:00 it was 11:30. I went into the parking lot and up to the doors of the restauraunt and they were locked, I looked inside and he was sitting at the bar, just then a girl came around the corner and started kissing all over him ( she works there). my heart sank into my stomach. i got her attention and she came to the door. When she opened the door she was beautiful with a perferct everything. i was crushed, my boyfriend found something better I thought. I told her he is no good and she acted like she didn't care, she was with him now. He then saw me and walked over behind her and was smiling, he was drunk, he had nothing to say. For the next couple days I tried to talk to him and he told me that he was going to try and make it work with this girl and that she is nice to him like I wasn't. he said he's not sure waht was going to happen but to give him time. I decide to go out friday night and saturday i went over his house in the afternoon because he owed me money, he asked if I went out last night and if I met some guy and if I was going out tonight, i said why are you so worried if you've found your "soul mate" and drove away. i hadn't called him after that until today I broke down and called and when I did she answered the phone and said he has nothing to say to you, he's with me, so leave him alone. I cryed, how can this guy that says he was so in love with me oneday and then be with this other girl already in love with her the next. All i ever wanted was for him to trust me, now he is going to trust this girl who works at a bar/restauraunt and he couldn't trust me working at my inside sales position. i think i am having such a hard time because we were together everyday and did so much together, maybe not on happy terms alot but we were together and now this other beautiful girl is lying in bed with him and sharing the time that is supposed to be mine and he acting as though we never were together. By reading this you probrably think that we didn't have much of a relationship with all of the fighting, but we did have fantastic times too, and did things together like taking my son to the park and going to his ball games, we would go to the Orioles games, went went to the movies, we would even sometimes get hotel rooms for a romantic evening. He helped me redo my house, he wined and dined me, bought me anything I wanted and my son, and told me everyday that he loved me. But he just didn't trust me and I wanted him to so bad so that our relationship could build into something. I was reading the MB and I know that things happen for a reason and I also know to let something go and if it comes back it was meant to be. I want to be with him again and maybe this needed to happen to help him with his trust issues so that one day we can have a great relationship, but at the same time I don't want him to work it out with this girl when he should have been working it out with me. I miss him so much and I am not going to call him anymore, but it just hurts because this girl is new meat to him that he has completely forgotten what we had. From a guys point of view is it true that when you find something new it will eventually get old? and will he start to think about me again? Right nowI am so vunerable that I would take him back in a second, but maybe a month down the road I won't, I think I want someday satisfaction that he knows he had a good girl. My mom says what comes around goes around and time will tell the truth, do you agree.

    What do you do when you are so in love with someone who doesn't even acknowledge you a day later. help dry my eyes

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