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Posts posted by buckbergson

  1. Thats the thing....are relationship was perfect....we were so deeply in love....just the fact that I was not a christian was enough for her to break up with me...she tells me all the time that if i was a chrisitan she would be with me no question...its almost like an ultimatum....ive realized that if she doesnt want to be with me for who i am than why should i want to be with her....its just that she is the most amazing person i have ever met and i was ready to spend the rest of my life with her...i told her that i need some time to get over her before we start hanging out again b/c we tried and it was too hard for me.

  2. My girlfriend broke up with me about a month ago and it totally wrecked me especially after I found out she got together with some other guy very soon after...we were insanely in love and planning on gettting married...however the fact that I was not a chrisitan was enough for her to break up with me...she still calls me and tells me how much she misses me and how sorry she is and that the time we were together were by far the best 2 years of her life and that Im the most amazing person shes ever met yada yada yada..but of course we can't be together taken into account all these things (go figure)...anyways I wound up getting with some girl who im not even remotely attracted to and i've come to the realization that I wanted to do it to get back my es when I really look at the situation closely....I have this feeling of guilt and disgust with myself for some reason and I don't know why......I feel worse now than I did originally...i don't know if this is because I wasn't attracted to her or for some other reason....I feel almost guilty for doing it because this girl is someone I have never had the desire to get with...however i was drunk and saw her and knew she was attracted to me......I'm definitely still very in love with my girlfriend...we had a perfect relationship and our breakup was so out of the blue for everyone.....anyone help me make sense of all this?

  3. she has made it clear that she wants to be on her own...you shouldnt be there waiting until she is done and wants to be together with her....its just going to hurt you more...you should focus on your self and try to get on with your life....only then will she realize what she is missing...shes trying to have it both ways which may wind up hurting you even more than breaking off contact with her.....i know what you are going through and it sucks...my ex and i who were about to get married have been apart for a month now and its still really hard...the best thing i did was give her space......she still calls me but i try not to call her......it will be easier in the long run....good luck.

  4. Me and my girl were madly in love when she totally blindsided me and said that she needed space....we were planning on getting married this summer...and of course i was devistated...its only been a month..but i can tell you the best thing you can do is not talk to her....i know its easier said that done, but its true...either one of two things will happen this way: 1) she will realize that she made a mistake or 2) she will be happier doing what she is doing and why would you want to be with someone who is happy being with you....i know it may be hard to stomach but its the truth....just remember that there are lots of us going what you are going through and that the pain will get easier...what i do is listen to some good music...its makes me feel a lot better.....theres a reason that there are so many loves songs that were written......good luck man and stay strong.

  5. Okay so my girlfriend broke up with me but still calls me and tells me she loves me...however i know we will never be back together...we were together for almost two years and were about to get married and then unexpectedly she ended it...i was a wreck for a couple of weeks but now i'm doing better not talking to her.....i was on a singles website and did a search for my area (i thought it would be a good idea to do that for my own sake)...low and behold she was the only one that came up in my...i read her profile and it really hurt me beacause it said she was seeking someone even though she tells me that she wants to be single for a long time...we had an amazing relationship and she ended it because i was not a christian...it just pisses me off ...im sick of it.....i feel like she just lies to me to make me not be mad at her....i know she feels alone because im not with her but still.....out of all people it had to be her out of thousands of people on that site.....what are the chances of that.

  6. My situation is so similar to yours....my ex needed space even though our relationship was amazing.....the best thing I did was give it to her, as much as it hurt....I realized that if she wanted to be with me she would be...just try and be yourself and if it is meant to be it will...i know how you feel when you say you can't imagine your future without him.....each day will get a little easier...he will one day realize how much he misses you...it may take time...but you shouldn't wait for that day to come...try and move on with your life without him and stay busy....you can do it......i didn't think i would be able to but i am doing it, even though it still hurts.. good luck.

  7. Yeah...you both are definitely right...and that's what I've learned...that I have to be myself...right now, as hard as it is...i'm living my life as if we will never be together again.....Just the fact that she still calls me and says she loves me makes my head spin....I'm going to try and be strong and not call her..so far i'm doing good...thanks for the replies..good to know that there are people out there who know how you feel.

  8. Ok so here is my story:


    Me and my girlfriend were together for almost 2 years when we broke up. Ever since the first day we met we were inseperable. It didn't take us long before we were saying "I love you" to eachother constantly. I had been in another long term releationship but my feelings weren't nearly as strong as these. There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. this was true love, she was my life and i was hers. After about a year in a half we got engaged. She was so excited and so was I. It seemed like everything felt perfect. As the wedding day got closer and as we had almost everything set she expressed her fear of getting married so soon, as we were only 22. I also was afraid and after a lot of thinking we decided to wait to get married. We didnt set another date but talked about in the next year or 2. Another week passed and one night we had "the talk." She broke down crying and told me that she needs to be single because she has never been independend and what not. This was hard to take and I didn't expect to see this coming. I reluctantly agreed that we shouldn't be and that we should take a break. I still slept over at her place every night until one night she stayed at a friends. I later found out that she winded up getting together with another guy that night. She claims that it was because he listened to her and that no one else would because all of our friends sided with me. Whatever the reason I was devistated. I didnt eat for a week. I thought I would never get over it. Anyways. Eventually I found out from her that the fact I'm not a Christian is really the main reason why we can't be together. She tells me I'm perfect and it was the happiest two years of her life, but if I'm not a Christian she can't be with me. However she still calls me all the time and says shes having a hard time being without me. I still don't understand why we broke up. We had a perfect relationship but now I'm starting to realize things about her. I know that whatever happens will be the best thing. This was definitely the hardest thing I had ever gone through but each day gets easier. I'm not sure if it is a good idea for us to talk. Sometimes it hurts to talk to her. I'm afraid if I don't talk to her it might ruin our chances in the future of having a relationship, even if were just friends. The whole Chrisitan thing is hard for me to understand because I would never not want to marry someone because of that. The fact that she always tells me that she wishes I was Christian bothers me too. It seems like this is the real reason why she broke up with me. Anyways that about it in a nutshell.

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